Bug Breach check page does not redirect correctly.

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When I run the breach checker the browser gives and error that the page does not redirect correctly and is going in a loo;.

Are you sure this is actually looping? I can't seem to find any problem with this code. No-one else has reported a problem either.
My browser network inspector shows 303 status code for each request to GET a document at URL /admin.php?dbtech-security/breachcheck&action=check-accounts&startat=269&perpage=10
Each document takes 700ms and 21 requests are done in 20 seconds.
Then it fails.

The same function seems to work by just enabling the 'Enable Account Breach Check' option. Maybe most admins do it that way.
I am unable to replicate this issue, but I have applied a small change that may or may not be the cause for the issue you are experiencing.
Hello Alfa1,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Cannot Reproduce.

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