APTL v3.0.0 (Beta 2) Released / Change Log functionality on DBTech

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

Hot on the heels of the release of Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.0.0 Beta 1 we bring you Beta 2, which focuses on adding a few more features that did not quite make the cut, as well as fixing a couple of bugs that came up in internal testing.

You can click the above link for more information regarding Beta 1, if you missed that announcement.

The full change log for Beta 2 from Beta 1 is available here and on the product information page: Advanced Post Thanks / Like :)

Advanced Post Thanks / Like v3.0.0 (Beta 2)
Feature: It is now possible to disable APTL integration with non-post areas via a vBulletin Option
Feature: It is now possible to disable the "total click count" on the "thanks bar" via a vBulletin Option
Feature: Social Groups integration
Feature: User Notes integration
Fix: Missing install script caused errors on saving user profiles
Fix: Disabled buttons still showed click counts in the "thanks bar"
Fix: Fixed a bug that could lead to an invalid display on the DragonByte Gallery integration
Fix: (vB4) Fixed a bug with the "Top" stats tab if you had button clicks from non-forum areas
Change: Increased spacing between each action button

The eagle eyed of you may have spotted that I made a reference to change log being available on the product page, which is indeed the case. Thanks to waji for the suggestion, we've now implemented Change Log functionality for our releases.

Note that they're not backwards compatible, so don't expect to be able to browse a full history of our releases, but any future releases should show up there as well as the news forum :)

Thank you for your continued support :)

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