Advanced User Tagging v3.0.8 Patch Level 1 Released

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

We're releasing Advanced User Tagging v3.0.8 Patch Level 1 to address an issue in which using the "Mention" feature (@username) in the first post would cause an email with no post content to be sent to the user receiving the mention.

Additionally, in certain scenarios it was possible for the profile tab to incorrectly display "Deleted Posts" entries, duplicating existing (valid) entries.

If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: Advanced User Tagging v3 (vB4) - Forum or here: Advanced User Tagging v3 (vB3) - Forum, and also please rate it to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods.

Complete Change Log

Advanced User Tagging v3.0.8 Patch Level 1

  • Mentioning someone in the first post of a thread would produce an email with invalid content
  • In certain scenarios, the profile tabs could display invalid/duplicated entries

As always, thank you for your continued support :)

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