Legacy Add alt attribute to all images

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Please can you add Support for Add alt attribute to all images?

I have this error:

Your webpage contains 210 image(s) and out of which 133 don't have alt attribute.

An ALT attribute represents information about the image if it is not available or till its loading. It is a good practice to have an ALT attribute associated with all images, it helps in SEO as search engines can't see the image but can read the TITLE and ALT attributes.

It is very important that all images should have an alt attribute because search engines cannot manipulate images into text, therefore this attribute helps search engines to understand what the image contains. You can specific image alt attribute as:
<img src="your_image.png" alt="Your images"/>
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In the next version, currently scheduled to be released Monday, all images in threads that do not have a specified "alt" attribute will use the thread's title instead :)
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