Pending Ability to clone an item & Donation/Trade group-based permissions



I would like to suggest a couple of things I think would be useful:

1) A user based Donate/Trade permission
Reasoning: We had few scenarios where we did not want certain users to be able to Donate/Receive founds since they were underselling Game Content for Points (we have Game Servers<>Forum coupled with virtual currencies) which created problems for us as some of the content was obtained via exploits (i.e. In-Game Money spawning hacks) and resulted in, well overhead of work for us. :)

2) Ability to clone an Item.
Reasoning: We often offer same items with different duration and it can easily become time consuming when we have to duplicate or triplicate the same item. Would be easier if we could just clone it and would have same Description/Permissions/Settings applied and we would just change the duration and brief description of it. I am not asking for a complete revamp of the underlying logic as that would be a lot of work, rather just a simple clone option of existing item.

I hope you will consider our request and if you need any more details or reasoning behind it, I'll gladly provide it. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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