
  1. Nirjonadda

    Legacy vBActivity Leaderboards

    Please can you add option for Enable/Disable vBActivity Leaderboards
  2. Mental

    Question leaderboard crashes server.

    How do I disable the leaderboard? It crashes my server. Thanks.
  3. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Integration With vBDownloads

    please add option Points for vBDownloads with Downloads/Upload.
  4. P

    Question Criteria field blank ?

    I'm follow the instruction here (Managing Criteria) to create Achievements and it's requires to create criteria first, but when i go to create criteria, there are nothing in the "Field" dropdown.
  5. Nirjonadda

    Question Front-End Contest Management

    where the option Front-End Contest Management?usergroup permission doesnot found.
  6. Nirjonadda

    Bug Points Settings

    DBTech - vBActivity > Points Settings > Points For [DBTech] DragonByte Gallery Uploads? Does not found,Where i can change Points For [DBTech] DragonByte Gallery Uploads to Points For Gallery Uploads? Its someting like bug show.
  7. Nirjonadda

    Bug Poll vote bug

    when give poll vote get this error. Fatal error: Call to undefined method vBActivity_Type_dayregistered::_action() in /home/user/public_html/dbtech/vbactivity/type/dayregistered.php on line 37
  8. Nirjonadda

    Bug Recalculate Points Error

    Recalculating points... Processing: 1 totalpoints activitylevel albumpictures attachments Fatal error: Call to undefined method vBActivity_Type_attachments::_action() in /home/user/public_html/dbtech/vbactivity/type/attachments.php on line 11
  9. Viceroy

    Bug Not working

    See my settings and the result: It's not working! :(
  10. MistyMeanor

    Question Graphics and Award Icons Request

    I am just wondering if there is ANY way to find more, or better graphics or icons for awards in this system? I love how it all works, but was very disappointed with the award choices. Most of them are very generic and not fitting for really cool awards. I was looking for something more along...
  11. K

    Question Managing Criteria???

    I am here on the Doc: DragonByte Tech Documentation Under vBActivity Configuration/Managing Criteria Forgive me for being stupid????? But this totally does not make any since to me? I've had this MOD now for some time....and today I blocked off the day....took off work.....and I'm committed...
  12. MistyMeanor

    Question Installation Error

    Man! It took me FOREVER just navigating through this site to find support! I have tried numerous times to install this Activity and Awards mod. The instructions say to upload all files from the "forum" folder to your forums directory. Now I am pretty novice to installing things like this...
  13. K

    Question Disabled....but all I want is.......

    I bought this a while back....and currently I have it disabled on my forum. Frankly....call me stupid if you like...I'm OK WITH THAT.....but I found it so confusing. I WANT it to work so bad.....so very bad. Let me tell you about my site....and why I got it...and what I HOPED it would/will...
  14. Marcelos

    vBQuiz and vBActivity & Awards

    Hello. I want to use vbQuiz to make tests. Depending on the % of correct answers, the user would get a trophy/badge from vBActivity & Awards. Is that possible automatically?
  15. W

    Legacy Integration of credits system instead of point/gill

    I have planned to buy this but got frustrated seeing there is another point system again. I am really confused with gill or point beside the credits. I would like to suggest, to make the points/gill replaced by credits. In that case I am sure users will have more encouragement to use the credits...
  16. X

    Question Newbie needs help

    Ok after several hours of reading.... i need the dummie manual...boy do i feel stupid LMAO in the past the apps that have been added someone on site has known how to run/work with them and well being a complete knob ( yes i admit it ) I am so lost its embarrassing so what i am asking is...
  17. X

    A great big thank you!!!!

    I have not been a member here for too long but i gotta say a few things...... Over the past couple of months not only have i had magnificent support but my most resent purchase.... talk about service!!! I was not present at my site when the professional install was completed.... took me by a...
  18. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug New Registration Database error on Send Registration

    I was testing the advanced registration system and got this error URL Link at Top: http://www.cozworld.com/register.php?do=addmember Database ERROR: Database Error Database error The CozWorld.com The Hybrid Gamers Zone database has encountered a problem...
  19. G

    Legacy Rank/Usergroup based on vBActivity points

    I never liked the built in ranking system for vbulletin, and apparently after searching through vbulletin.org I am not alone. I had the idea to base rank on the same criteria found in this product (posts, replies, reputation, referrals, etc.). The idea is to have different usergroups for each...
  20. D

    Bug I have some errors

    When i go to Transactions Tab and choose Donate points for example i get this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/dbtech/credits/credits_core.php on line 654 Help please