
  1. R

    Question When VB Optimies is enabled I loose Blogs

    I have been using VB Optimise for some time now. Yesterday I upgraded to the latest version from 2.3.0 pro. All seemed to be working fine, pages loading quick. however I've notice my blogs are now returning 500 error. If i disable VBOptimse it works okay again. I have tried VB Optimise with...
  2. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Customer Area

    Hello Customer Area does not showing up under Navbar, How to get fixed on this issue?
  3. M

    Bug SQL time out error

    MySQL time out error Hi Staff, I have a big problem, I am on a shared hosting plan and my MySQL Packet Size is 1mb(i asked my hosting provider to upgrade it to 2mb but they wont,it is standard for all) so I have tried now many times to install vBActivity&Awards pro(even with all mods...
  4. Adam H

    Legacy Reduce codebase being injected into footer ?

    Hi Guys, Been looking at optimising our setup over the past week after the decision to develop the setup as our own rather than moving to VB5 or xenforo and looking to reduce the content to code ratio for pages , something ive noticed is the large amount of script being outputted by vbcredits...
  5. P

    Hivelocity Questions

    Was really hoping to get a couple questions answered. I've noticed this site 99% of the time seems to load super fast. I have a vBulletin that just basically started out as a hobby/something to play with but somehow it now grew to usually 75+ people online at all times :eek: (try not to laugh...
  6. S

    Question User Tagging showing N/A (Thread Url)

    Hi How r u? I Hope U will b fine, I m Facing some Problem in User Tagging, when i tag any member then show in profile N/A like that user name To user name Thread N/A check screen short
  7. R

    Bug Extension Information not showing

    Hi. When editing or adding a file the Extentions Information box only shows the title of the table and not actual extentions. There are extentions loaded and the system works fine otherwise. I don't have the default skin installed so unsure if it's a issue. If it is can I simply add or amend...
  8. Aneurysm

    Upgrading to vBDonate Pro from lite and importing from AWC

    I currently use AWC for for donations on my vB 4.2.x forum but their product is getting a little stale and their support has dropped off the face of the earth so it is time to migrate to something better. Is it possible to install vBDonate Lite to do some config and testing with while I'm still...
  9. H

    Bug Error after upgrading to latest version

    After upgrading the following error message appears: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/lipstick/public_html/dbtech/thanks/includes/class_cache.php on line 225
  10. H

    Bug Blank pages after upgrade

    After upgrading to 2.53 the following error message appears: Fatal error: Class 'vB' not found in /home/lipstick/public_html/dbtech/vboptimise_pro/includes/class_vboptimise_dboverride.php on line 28
  11. CharlieDelta

    Bug Subscribe Button

    When I click on the subscribe button it doesn't seem to do anything or at least there is no notification. Also it displays the Subscribe button on my own reviews. Would it be better to have this disabled when viewing your own?
  12. Bounce

    Question Oppps Upgrade went wrong

    Tried too upgrade to the 3.0.6 pl1 update and its broke my forum.... I uploaded all filkes and uploaded the vb4 xml, it said summit about it not being compatible with 3.6+ It was defo the vb4 product i tried to install, had to disable the product for now.. Any idea where i messed up lol
  13. Clarice

    Bug Become an "Active User" when switching shoutbox tabs

    After upgrading vBshout on our forum, we've now got the version which has the little green "Activity Status" light next to the "shout" bottom on the bottom-left corner of the box. vBShout used to show a user as active if they were PM'd, quoted in a thread, mentioned (DBT Adv. User Tagging), etc...
  14. Viceroy

    Bug Not working

    See my settings and the result: It's not working! :(
  15. A

    Bug Viewing of credits transaction in admincp - Database error.

    Hi, After upgrading to the latest vbcredits version. When I try re-calculate users accounts and click on a username to view their transaction. It shows me this error message: Please rectify? Thanks. Database error in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM credits_transaction WHERE...
  16. A

    Question vbshop v.3.1.0 showing lite version readme.txt

    hi, I am a vbshop pro buyer and I have downloaded the upgrading version of v.3.1.0. When I open the readme.txt, it show it is a lite version. Can you clarify? Anyway, can I request for a professional upgrade? what is the charge?
  17. bzcomputers

    Bug Issue after upgrade of vbDownloads with old database category links causing errors

    After upgrading vbDownloads from 1.3.8 to 2.1.0 I've noticed people who linked to the old categories are now getting database errors. The old links are attempting to come in as: ?do=listings&catid=X While the new links are: ?categoryid=X The database is throwing the following error on these...
  18. K

    Question Banned Usergroup

    I only want certain groups to be able to buy banners. So....I set in the usergroup area: Is Banned Group If yes, this usergroup cannot use the Forum Ads. I set it to YES.....but when I log in and try and use it......first I can still see it.....second....it works????? Should I still be able...
  19. limits

    Bug Filemanager Problem

    hello, when i uploaded new images the preview thumbnails are not shown in the filemanager... Droplr • Screenshot on 6.19.2013 at 10.04.32 PM.png when i deactivate the following plugins everything works fine... Droplr • Screenshot on 6.19.2013 at 7.42.56 PM.png also deleting images doesn't...
  20. overlord

    Bug Internet Explorer users can't see conversations

    Not sure this is actually a bug since IE is notoriously crappy, but my users who use IE cannot see anything in the shoutbox, they just get a Loading message and nothing ever loads. I'm guessing this is a javascript issue and wondering if you have a fix/workaround for it.