
  1. Teascu Dorin

    Romanian vBNavTabs

    Romanian translation for vBNavTabs Pro v1.0.2 Enjoy! -Dorin
  2. OlijO

    Bug Translation of notification causing issue

    Hi, when i translate the notification and use accentuate character like éè... The notification doesn't displayed. As i remove the accentuate character, the notification is displayed.
  3. L

    German vBArcade

    Here the German Translation for vbArcade. 97% translated
  4. D

    French vBArcade

    Please find below my translation of vBArcade Lite/PRO 1.0.1 ! IMPORTANT ! That archive contains only XML phrases from product, NOT THE PRODUCT HIMSELF. EXCEPTION : i kept Admincp/arcade_admin.php file included in my zip package since plenty of phrases were hardcoded in english, and i had to...
  5. L

    German vBNotifications

    Here the complete Translation vor Notifications 1.0.4 Pro
  6. L

    German vBMail

    Here the German Translation for vbMail 1.1.3! Only 4 Phrases not translated
  7. G


    done - pls delete
  8. L

    German InfoPanels

    Here a German Translation for DragonByte Tech: InfoPanels (Pro) 2.0.1
  9. D

    Question About french translation of "Fnask"

    Hi, Sorry for that question, but i don't understand the word : FNASK - Fnask given - Fnask receveid Dictionnay said it's a swedish word, but the explanation is... how to say.. totally out of context with a vBulletin product.. Thanks for your answers..
  10. D

    French vBQuiz

    Please find below my translation of vBQuiz 1.2.2 Lite/Pro (Both are available with my translation) ! IMPORTANT ! This archive contains only XML phrases from product, NOT THE PRODUCT HIMSELF. Installation instructions : Go to your AdminCP -> Language & phrases -> Export/Import languages ...
  11. savraot

    Question Translate Phrase

    Where can I find this two Phrases and translate it?, I search a long Time but I found nothing. 1. vBNotification User CP / Notifications and Configure 2. vBNotification Header when I use the default notifications display / Notifications and Inbox
  12. cykelmyggen

    Question Translation of settings in User CP

    I've translated the phrases found in the phrasegroup attached to the product. Apparently this doesn't cover the phrases in the User CP (see att.) How do you translate this?
  13. D

    French vBMail

    Please find below my translation of vBMail Lite/PRO 1.1.3 ! IMPORTANT ! This archive contains only XML phrases from product, NOT THE PRODUCT HIMSELF. Installation instructions : Go to your AdminCP -> Language & phrases -> Export/Import languages : You must overwrite your existing French...
  14. Solein

    Bug Description field missing when upload

    Hello, I just update my board to the latest 4.1.4 and the upload page don't show the editor for the description of the file: The editor works fine in the rest of the site. I've reuploaded and reinstalled vbdownloads and still no luck.
  15. C

    Question Where i can find a language french vBshop ? :(

    Hello , i have one question , where i can got a language translation vBShop 2.1 lite ( or Pro for after :cool: ) in french ? :o Thank you .
  16. A

    Question: Gift system

    Hello. In my thread on i asked for the option of a point and gift system. Now your modification has been recommended. But as i checked...
  17. cykelmyggen

    Bug PM sent to doesn't show username properly

    PM sent to doesn't show username properly. Example: "PM til %1$s" should have been "PM til RikkeAmalie"
  18. galerio

    Legacy Serious keyword density problem

    In my Google webmaster tool I have now as top keyword of my forum the words used by this plugin "like" and "received" (in Italian: "piace" and "ricevuto"). This is a critical problem. I will try to substitute the words with small images. I hope this could help.
  19. McAtze

    German vBDownloads

    At first i searched for a prefix called "german" .. :eek: But, i uploaded my german language files this way .. If you find some Bugs you can hold it, sold it or told it .. :cool: I hope you like it.
  20. K

    Bug Database Error

    :confused: Unfortunately, I have this database error when I go into the ufp me as someone please help. According to the programmer of the UFP is not the fault of him please help Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.8.6: Invalid SQL: SELECT phrasegroup_credits_forum AS credits_forum FROM...