
  1. R

    Bug working 1/2 way

    its only working 1/2 way does now work at all on anything but the users online box area on the bottom of the page the rest every were else does not work
  2. galerio

    Legacy Serious keyword density problem

    In my Google webmaster tool I have now as top keyword of my forum the words used by this plugin "like" and "received" (in Italian: "piace" and "ricevuto"). This is a critical problem. I will try to substitute the words with small images. I hope this could help.
  3. C

    Bug Credits + Downloads (Again!)

    Again a problem: As the Download Addon threats images and thumbnails via the download.php (here: dl.php) the user WOULD be charged credits (if it would be working, look into the other thread) - therefore: If the user doesn't have enough credits he won't see any thumbnails or images (Ugly missing...
  4. E.T.

    Bug Image not showing

    Hi, Since this new version there are no images at the left side anymore. Maybe I did something wrong ? Upload a Thumbnail is not working Upload a screenshot is working Regards, Marcel
  5. 4l3ghi

    Question Insert an image in miniature

    Ih. I was installed vBDownloads v.1.2.0 (Lite) in my forum, but I do not understand how it fits the image. Could you explain it?
  6. Aero

    Question Now what

    I've set it up, but what happens when you go to those locations on the map ? For me nothing happens. So what am I doing wrong ?
  7. M

    Bug Thumbnails still not showing in category view

    As you can see. I get the "no image" icon on all by post in category view, even though they have a jpg file uploaded and the thumb shows when on the files page.
  8. M

    Legacy Feature requests

    Just wanted to post some things I want to see in the near future for vbdownloads to have the polish that it needs: - Better thumbnails (appearance, and ability to upload via click button below the placeholder image) - Post to thread should have a delay. As of right now, as soon as you start...
  9. M

    Question Rectangular (wide) thumbnails?

    Are you able to tell us a quick way to mod the thumbnail size to be rectangular as most thumbs that are square don't look good. I would benefit greatly from wider thumbs.
  10. cloferba

    tabs on the posbit legacy?

    is a new mod? is a modification? on the posbit legacy i can see some tabs which you can change and see user information, thanks information, points information, etc i would like to add it to my site :D
  11. R

    Attempted to upload a 300MB .wmv video file... Doesn't work.

    Hello everyone, I just need some support here. Not too happy with the inability to type in an image URL for a thumbnail on a video... I hope that gets fixed. Other than that, I'm getting issues trying to upload a ~300MB video file (.wmv). It goes through the whole upload process but when it...
  12. M

    [REQ] vBDownloads thread thumbnails and clickable image (lightbox/zoom) ??

    Couple more suggestions to make vBDownloads as good or better than Downloads II. When viewing a category of downloads, it would be much better to have a thread thumbnail to give a preview of the download. Instead just a wall of the same thread icon. Also, would be nice when viewing a...
  13. F

    Not sure which I need, please advise.

    I've just moved from SMF to VBulletin. Our reason was to get a better download system and so far I have found none better, except maybe this one. We have vb 4.0.08 Here's what we need, Allow html in download posts, e.g embed vidoes, etc Several file upload buttons on each download Usergroup...
  14. H

    Warning: apc_store() [function.apc-store]: Potential cache slam averted for key 'vbo_

    Hi, Currently I'm having this error message popping up randomly: Warning: apc_store() [function.apc-store]: Potential cache slam averted for key 'vbo_vb.optimiser.stats' in [path]/vboptimise/core/class_operator_apc.php on line 50 See screenshot: What is causing this and what to do to...