
  1. H

    Question Duplicate content?

    I don't know if I have made a mistake with the config, or if is anything missing, but I reckon I am having a problem with this: Claves Para Que Nuestros Animales Estén Sanos Claves Para Que Nuestros Animales Estén Sanos Claves Para Que Nuestros Animales Estén Sanos Claves Para Que Nuestros...
  2. Replicators

    Question Infopanel in header possible?

    I want to put the infopanel in my header, is this possible?
  3. madmaxmangos

    vbShout & copyright footer issue

    Hey, 2 problems. 1. vbShout - Using the "Primus" theme the tabs in the shoutbox seem to blued-out, you can't read them without making them active (see screenshot). 2. The Dragonbyte footer copyright would be better if it was put into one sentence with a button/link to click which opens up a...
  4. C

    Question custom content

    I'm trying to add a custom slide to one of the instances. I must be missing a setting...in the instance management I have changed the number of custom entries to 1 in both locations. The custom slide is active and loaded. Any ideas of why its not showing?
  5. Ozzy47

    Bug Cache Templates

    This only happens on one of my styles, when I have Cache Templates set to Yes, I get some js errors in firebug.
  6. Replicators

    Bug Radon Vbshout template issue

    I am getting a weird template missplacement with the shoutbox every so often, sometimes it displays correctly, other times it looks weird.
  7. T

    Bug Background Colour Issue

    How do I change the background colour of the forum tabs? I can't find anything in the stylevar for it, it seems to be using the skin colour settings. Many thanks
  8. GuiltyNL

    Infopanels customizable?

    I'm testing Infopanels on our 5.0.5 test installation, but I can't seem to find how to customize some things? 1) I have the welcome panel, but is is a bit too large and I would like to remove the 'User Settings' link. Also I want to remove the statistics about how many posts, threads, posts per...
  9. R

    Question canocial URL problems

    Sir, I am receiving the following errors from Bing webmaster tools after the vbseo-dbseo upgrade. Would you let me know how to solve it? Canonical tags can be used to help de-dupe URLs for pages with the same or very similar content. Bing has detected that your site is using what appears to be...
  10. T

    Bug Shout box mashing into other content

    I'm manually put in the shoutbox in the navbar template. I'm seeing results like this on some pages - mainly ones that are for other modification:
  11. S

    Question lot of failures in error.log

    Hi, i check my Apache error.log today and i see a lot of errors [Tue Feb 25 12:53:51 2014] [error] [client] PHP Stack trace: [Tue Feb 25 12:53:51 2014] [error] [client] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/clients/client2/web1/web/dbseo.php:0 [Tue Feb 25 12:53:51 2014] [error]...
  12. Fleiding

    Bug User settings

    I'm only using the Award feature and now I'm having a small problem. In the Settings page members still have the options for all the other features and the still can watch the Leaderboards and Rankings. When they try to look at the Achievement, they get the message that they don't have the...
  13. HaZaRd

    Legacy Social: add hastag options

    1. If possible to add hashtag field in the DBSEO options? 2. If possible to add social features in forumhome above the forum list? other question: what is this code at the end of twitter link? -> #.Uwc87UfvygQ.twitter
  14. H

    Bug CDN returns wrong CSS style sheet after upgrade to 2.6 Gold

    After upgrading to the latest version the css style sheets are not being returned with the proper url. <!-- CSS Stylesheet --> <style type="text/css" id="vbulletin_css"> /** * vBulletin 3.8.8 Beta 2 CSS * Style: 'LSA 2014'; Style ID: 69 */ @import url("); </style> <link rel="stylesheet"...
  15. M

    Legacy Adsense - add a link below

    I have got it all working lovely :) When you implemented the adsense that is what made me buy, as it is very important to me! The only thing is that while adsense is being used as a placeholder the potential buyer would not know that the space is available to buy??? Could you implement a...
  16. M

    Question Usergroup Permission Question

    Hi, I wanted to know how I stop adverts from showing to certain usergroups. I looked in the usergroup setting and could not see anything?? We have contributed members and a VIP group, I would not want them to see adverts. Cheers Mick
  17. GoodApples

    Question Disable Related Videos

    How do I get the Gallery to use the xml_video_vbulletin I have a modified xml_video_vbulletin which disables related videos in youtube it works with the CMS and Forum but doesn't work in the Gallery? Disable Related Videos on the CMS and Forum works...but How do I get the Gallery to disable...
  18. R

    Question Buttons stopped working

    After upgrading to 3.2 the buttons fail to work. when you hover over them you see a javascript in the bottom left of firefox. I thought they had been working but due to symptoms from an apache memory limit I accidentally set in WHM was trying to reinstall vb and could not complete the...
  19. Nirjonadda

    Bug Sultantheme Merhania

    Is this vBNavTabs incompatibility with other style ? Sultantheme Merhania vBulletin Skin, I have some issue with vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs , Please can i get fix update about on this issue? With vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs: Without vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs: This issue conflict with vBNavTabs -...
  20. T

    Question Postbit missing Icon

    I have the 'Show Send Pm In Postbit?' option set to Yes however all that is displayed in the postbit is: Send PM I seem to be missing this icon