
  1. S

    Question What is the different between tags and mentions?

    Hello. What is the different between tags and mentions? If someone tag me it is like Username but when someone mention me it will do it with Username as well. :eek:
  2. Z

    Question Hash tags no longer submitting as links with Google Chrome or IE (only with Firefox)

    Well, I got to experimenting with the hash tags this morning... they don't get used very often. Our forum is small and there's not much inclination among its members to use hash tags. But I would nonetheless like them to work properly. They used to work fine with each of the browsers named...
  3. Z

    Question How do I remove invalid hash tags?

    How can I easily remove erroneous hash tags which members have accidentally created? An example would be when a member enters a hash symbol followed by a number and then forgets to include a space before they begin typing additional characters. Thanks
  4. G


    Hi, I have few questions regarding the Vbactivity currently I'm using the lite and want to go for the pro my question if i install the Vbactivity do i have to install the other DB plugins like Confirmed friends, Tags, Thread rating, Referrals etc... or it's customized for Vbulletin default...
  5. M

    Legacy Magic Tags Implementation

    Hi guys, I was thinking a great implementation to make for the auto tagging system. Would be really good if the plugin record all the words that the people add like tags and add these words to Manage Keyword list. Isn't a great idea? :)
  6. Fillip H.

    Advanced User Tagging v3.2.5 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing Advanced User Tagging v3.2.5 in order to implement features suggested by our community. This release features Desktop Notifications for Mentions, Quotes and Thread Tags in supported browsers! If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for Mod...
  7. T

    Question Optimal Setting Guide

    Hello Dragonbyte team 1. Is there any optimal setting guide for SEO product for better SEO 2. Automatic tags for threads not getting created. Why so?
  8. M

    Question Webmaster tools found errors in the Tags

    Hi Fillip H., I have seen that Webmaster Tools of Google found errors "Soft 404" for each tags added in the forum. Is it shown here: What I can do? Thanks in advance.
  9. M

    Question Number of tags added

    Hi FIllip, please can you tell me where to set the number of the tags added automatically from the plugin? Thanks in advance
  10. Z

    Question yet more questions...

    You can delete this thread. Thank you :)
  11. Z

    Question can I use bbcode to create hash tags?

    I've added a plugin for an extra ckeditor tool button and configured it to wrap around the selected text. But I've yet been unable to get the text between those custom bbcode tags to correctly register a new or existing hash tag. I can make the created link bring me to the...
  12. Z

    Legacy hash tags and bbcode formatting

    As mentioned in the following closed thread, http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f33/hash-does-not-work-inside-bbcode-format-codes-18196/ when bbcode text formatting exists as the default on one's forum site, hash tags do not become clickable links if entered within post bodies, unless they are...
  13. P

    Bug Don't/Doesn't -> ' -> Doesn't work on Hash Tags.

    Well I was using a website which has the pro version of this mod and I realised, hash tags like: - Don't - Doesn't - Can't etc don't work properly, because ' doesn't work in the hastag. Will there be a fix for this? Other symbols don't work either. Like: " ! £ $ % ^ & * ( ) - = + [ ] @ : ; , ...
  14. H

    Bug Dynamic Meta Tags for Forums

    Dynamic Meta Tags for forums is not working with turkish characters. For example: Forum name is "Forum Kullanımı" Keywords: <meta name="keywords" content="Forum,Kullanıı,Forum Kullanımı " /> It must be like this: Keywords: <meta name="keywords" content="Forum,Kullanımı,Forum Kullanımı "...
  15. Fillip H.

    Advanced User Tagging v3.2.4

    Hey all, We're releasing Advanced User Tagging v3.2.4 in order to implement features suggested by our community. This release improves the support for non-latin characters for Hash Tags. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for Mod of the Month here: Advanced...
  16. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.8 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.8 in order to implemented features requested by the community. Administrators now have the option to turn off the ability for moderators to edit a thread's meta keywords and description. If you like the product you can show your support by...
  17. H

    Question Meta Tags

    Hello. I'm using DragonByte SEO Lite 2.0.6. My site adress is TR Forumları | Türkçe Bilgi Paylaşım Ağı - vBulletin Dynamic meta tags are not working. For example. (Link: TF Ban Sebebleri ve Süreleri Hakk?nda Bilgilendirme. - TR Forumları | Türkçe Bilgi Paylaşım Ağı ) <meta...
  18. A

    Legacy DBSeo Tag Filtering

    Dragonbyte keeps adding http "tags" whenever it finds a url in the post. Can we have some kind of option to filter keywords? Example, if it contains "http", do not add the tag. Example of it adding urls as tags: Apple Watch 101: Unpacking, pairing, and poking
  19. 1quicksi

    Question Webmaster Reports error

    DBSEO 2.0.0 Beta 3 (your field seems to dislike anything except numeric...lol...) Error when I submit telling me I entered too many tags (exceeded 20) I did not enter any tags :P I am getting an error when I try to access the Webmaster Tools section... I am sure it is something simple I am...
  20. Drahnier

    Bug Tags and Tag Cloud Completely Missing?

    I was originally thinking this wasn't an addon problem and asked about it on vB.com (info here: Tags Directory Missing? - vBulletin Community Forum ), but have since been directed here... Essentially, my server seems to think that tags are non-existent. Trying to view the tag cloud sends me to...