
  1. L

    Implemented Add new criteria to user searcher

    Hi @DragonByte Technologies. Like you asked me on xf, here is my request. To make everything automatic in the digest mailing, we need a change in user criteria last connexion. If we select will change with time...and we ll have to change manualy the setting every week or something...
  2. bjele

    Question Having a % sign in the thread title is causing errors

    Our forum deals with questions about Microsoft Excel. A fair number of questions are dealing with questions about how to mark cells that are below 80% or not quite 100% or how to calculate a % of the total. We have a lot of historical posts with a % sign in the title and a lot of people who...
  3. E

    Bug Classifieds lite not working

    I've installed it, I can access it in the admincp, change settings there and so on, but the dbtclassifieds.php isn't working; I get a: Is this normal? Was there a setting I missed?
  4. O

    Bug Undefined Errors [4.8.0]

    While Gifting: Error Info ErrorException: Undefined variable: message - library/DBTech/Shop/Action/Buyitem.php:421 Generated By: Divvens, 1 minute ago Stack Trace #0 /home/xxx/public_html/library/DBTech/Shop/Action/Buyitem.php(421): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...'...
  5. Norman

    Bug Error 400 Bad Request

    Hi there guys, I just found this error on my Google WT: This happens here: 400 Bad Request As far as you can tell, does this depends by DBSEO? Thanks in advance for any reply!:)
  6. Fillip H.

    vBActivity & Awards v3.2.0 Released

    Hey all, vBActivity & Awards v3.2.0 has been released, adding functionality requested by our community. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: vBActivity & Awards v3 (vB4) - Forum or here vBActivity & Awards v3 (vB3) -...
  7. Marcelos

    Question How to nominate or request awards?

    How to nominate or request awards? I have searched the documentation and online, but can't find the place. Permissions are set correctly. Also, do I get a message when someone requests or nominates? Thanks
  8. E

    Bug Internal Server Error

    Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error...
  9. J

    Legacy Featured chat request

    So currently it feels a little empty when viewing the featured channel as seen here if maybe you could add chat and move down the title of the game so it looked a little more like this (all i did was move the title and then stretch out a screencap of the chat box)
  10. F

    Legacy Once per user awards?

    Would it be possible to include an option for awards so that a user can only receive them once? In my case, I run a gaming site and we give out awards for reaching certain character levels. Currently, a user could request, or be nominated for, any of these awards more than once and it would...
  11. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.0 Beta 3 Released

    Hey all, DragonByte SEO v2.0.0 Beta 3 has been released to Pro customers only. This release features mostly behind-the-scenes changes, with updates to the code we're using to connect to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. We realise that Google Webmaster Tools is a bit confusing to...
  12. Mental

    Legacy functionality request

    Request 1 - Prizes , have us manually insert the prize or whatever if we dont use a currency payout because its blank/emtpy otherwise Request 2 - Output the raffle winners name somewhere in the raffle. Request 3 - Allow Image to be associated with a raffle
  13. C

    Legacy Add name of Forum for new threads/posts notification

    I'm not sure if this is possible (if not, please convert my thread to a feature request). I would like to add the Title of the forum to the notifications in the shoutbox. (If its a feature request, I would request it to be a per instance basis if possible.) ADDED: Can I add to this...
  14. AnjaC

    Bug Urgent: Bad request when changing to Hybrid Mode

    Hi Fillip, i did notice this, because i am not using the Hybrid Mode when viewing a thread. So a member did inform me that the server calls a bad request when changing the display from linaer to hybrid: "Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand." We are...
  15. AnjaC

    Bug Bad Request

    Hi Fillip, a URL like this: 400 Bad Request gives an error like this: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Thanks! Greetings Klaus
  16. GoodApples

    Legacy Relisting - How

    How to re list an item? I received and notification --> clicked on the link which took me to the listing --> I clicked on Edit Listing ...but what is missing is the Listing Type: Start Date Listing Length and perhaps an option to relist with the above two options available? I also...
  17. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Username Request

    User Tools : Inside the User Control Panel, there is an area that is added where a user is given the ability to submit a username that they would like their name changed to. They receive PM updates depending upon the "status" of their request, whether it is Accepted or Rejected. Administrative...
  18. Nirjonadda

    vBSEO Coming Back ?

    Does anyone know vBSEO is Returning ? vBSEO
  19. N

    Legacy Sitemap Cronjob

    Hello Fillip, is your Sitemap Generator Script compatible to call it from a Linux Cronjob and dont use the vBulletin Cronjob? Kindly regards Stefan
  20. scottct1

    Question Export from vBulletin to XenForo

    Well looks like I will be moving from vBulletin to Xenforo. I was wondering if there was a way to import my likes/thanks into Xenforo? Thanks!