
  1. V

    Question How to Add "Thanks" as Criterion?

    Our forum has been using the "Post Thank You Hack", which enables users to "Thank" posts: Show Thread Enhancements - [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack - Forum Is there ANY way at all to use this as a criterion in the VBCredits and VBActivity plugins? I just spent hours trying to...
  2. V

    Question How to get multiple plugins to use the same points system

    I've noticed that several of the plugins each seems to be using its own separate points system: Would it be possible to have them use a centralized points system - e.g. user points acquired through VBCredits? Thanks very much! Amy
  3. G


    Hi, I have few questions regarding the Vbactivity currently I'm using the lite and want to go for the pro my question if i install the Vbactivity do i have to install the other DB plugins like Confirmed friends, Tags, Thread rating, Referrals etc... or it's customized for Vbulletin default...
  4. M

    Question Obscene size of shoutbox

    Hello, As per popular member request, I purchased & installed the Pro version. One of my members has bitterly complained about this plugin's incompatibility with Mobile devices. Specifically nwith how it appears when looking through a mobile phone. How do I help him remedy this?
  5. J

    Bug Navbar Tab not showing up

    is something wrong here? i completely removed the streaming suite, deleting all files and removing it from the plugins, added it all back in and now it will not show on the front page nav bar.
  6. mykkal

    Bug User Taggering issue

    User Taggeing Generates BBCODE "Username" I tried mentioning a member and I see ['MENTION']username['/MENTION'] Absolutely unsure of where to proceed from here. I use other plugins of yours with no problem.
  7. Force

    Client area

    In Free / Lite Products can you make it so we can remove the plugins from the list we are no longer being used/installed on or website
  8. OUTL4W

    Bug Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO_Datastore' not found...

    I uploaded the files for DBseo and twitch 2.0.3 to server and now when going into Manage plugins I get this error and can't see any of the plugins: "Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO_Datastore' not found in /home/public_html/dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_core.php on line 142" and now when visiting the...
  9. L

    Bug Pagination problems

    Hi guys. We are having the next issue: when having any of these 2 plugins activated: vBRecycle / Moderation Auto PM: vBRecycle / Moderation Auto PM - Forum Zoints Private Thread Comments for Staff: Zoints Private Thread Comments for Staff - Forum The threads with...
  10. Loony BoB

    Question Notifications won't clear - how does the clearing work?

    For some reason the notifications won't clear on our forums. We have a number of plugins that we have had installed in the past & present that could have affected this and I'm trying to figure out which it is. Could you let me know how the notifications are supposed to clear so I can get my...
  11. G

    Question Tapatalk no longer shows up in admincp after vB Optimise installation

    Note - both the vB Optimise and tapatalk plugins are working fine. Hi, after I installed vB Optimise, the tapatalk selection in the upper-left of the admincp disappeared. This is the leftnav of the admincp, right above "vBulletin Options" That was replaced by the vb Optimize options, but how...
  12. T

    Bug Getting Error Code

    Im getting this error: The error code is: Fatal error: Call to undefined method class_vMail::Cleaning() in /home/andree/public_html/profile.php(182) : eval()'d code on line 42 Was told its unrelated to the Mod BUT only happens when its enabled. Upon managing the bouncing mail and user sent to...
  13. T

    Bug Showing twice

    I have this issue Screenshot by Lightshot and was told to disable ALL plugins to see if error was still there and did as told and it shows the same. What can I do to fix that? thanks.
  14. X

    Question Latest PM's in ACP

    in acp on homepage this section does not appear latest pms Sent eg this screen shot I copied from another thread here on site its not mine c/p as I needed an example I have tried everything, triple checked to ensue option was enabled ...disabled and reenabled ... What am I missing?
  15. A

    Question vbshout 6.2.2 - a particular user is not showing up in 'active users'

    I have one particular user who for some reason appears to not show up as 'active' user, even though he is absolutely active. I have compared his account settings to other users with the same exact settings and they show fine. I also had this user generate a new account, and that account shows...
  16. Em Kay

    Bug PM Link still broken

  17. J

    Bug Inline Moderation Authentication loop

    Deleting post via dropdown inline moderation menu with "Inline Moderation Authentication" active causing verification loop. How to reproduce: 1] AdminCP -> Settings -> Option -> General Settings -> Enable "Enable Inline Moderation Authentication" 2] Create thread as user AAA and post one...
  18. Z

    Bug Issue with using Word Press

    After installing this mod I ran into trouble on my board. With no plugins installed accept this one, when attempting to use the "Reply to Thread" in any of the forums, the board freezes into a searching mode. If I then select the Refresh on the Browser it will complete as it should. We tried...
  19. Mental

    Question Excluded Pages not working?

    Hi Right, I'm trying to incorporate a jquery rss ticker and since it doesn't allow cross domain requests i need for it to skip the redirect so it can access via domain/forum/file/file.php instead of When i insert test.txt into the Excluded Pages box it still...
  20. R

    Bug Stuck at loading and messages are reflecting back!!!

    This is a newly installed forum and has no plugins. The shoutbox is stuck at loading and when a message is entered, it disappears from the text box and appears again in the text box!!!! What could be the problem?