
  1. Eden

    Bug "Page not found" issue after sitemap creation VBSEO

    Since I've installed DB SEO PRO, and created an automatic sitemap. I have a big problem : Everytime I click on links (shortcut) in the "what's new" session, I get the following problem : (the page exist but, the links don't work!) When I click on other button at the top such as forum etc... I...
  2. Sarab

    Question Sort downloads

    Hello, I just found that each category I import a file to it, the new file become the first in the list, but I want the download list in each category sorted by name instead of date added, so how can I do that? Fillip H. so what it's an urgent matter ="( Best regards, Sarab Fillip H.e =D
  3. webi

    Legacy Access rights of the categories

    Hi Fillip H., in my forum a new user group has been created. As you so determined has we have a lot of categories. Is there a way the new user group the same rights to enter as another existing user group? Regards
  4. W

    Bug Trying to get to work on vb 3.8.X site that has never used VBSEO

    Not sure I want to re-write all the URL's to start out with as all our old forum URL's are seo'd as they exist today. Basically I installed the product and turned it on and whenever I click on a thread in the "new threads" list, I get: Not Found The requested URL...
  5. I

    Question External links tracking redirect-to?

    Recent install of DBSEO. Under dbseo cp -> SEO Settings -> Google Analytics Settings we have Google analytics enabled and settings are configured to track external links, with External Link Clicks Format as /forums/outgoing/ ... however, on the forum, the external links are formatted as...
  6. K

    suggestion - spicial ways for ads

    hi vbulletin has some simple ways to ads but how about a genius mod that provide special place for smart ads? how about showing a new private message in inbox area for ads? this is not a real message.its only an AD that show new page how about to show a new thing happened in user "last...
  7. I

    Question Can't save premissions on instancnce Managment Vbshout lite 6.2.1

    I'm trying to add a new shout box to a forum, I added a new instance and the setting are all saved and the coding is in the theme manager however i have tried to save the Permissions in the instance manager but when I click save the Instance Permissions don't save. The BBCode Permissions also...
  8. N

    Bug Priority Sort of Meta Keywords

    Hello, the new Function Priority Sort of the Keywords does not work. Title of our Test Thread: Sammelthread: aktuelle Lidl/Aldi Angebote --- Hinweise / Fragen / Diskussionen Content of our Test Thread: Ich möchte hier mal ein ganz besonderen Thread eröffnen, in dem man sich immer über neue...
  9. cubs


    Ive had it removed 100% and everything is working 10000% but since vbseo is gone I LOST THE "LIKE" button and everyone really wants it back .Is there a way to get it back with a new mod or something. Also when you go to my website in Explorer the site loads 1-2 seconds with a white page but...
  10. CharlieDelta

    Bug Maintenance Option in ACP is Blank

    Just installed the new version and the maintenance option in the ACP is blank.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Automatic Tagger From Message Content and Title

    Please can you add option will automatically add tags according to message content, title and existing tags in forum. It will also automatically add new tags to old messages. Features: 1.Automatically adds tags to new posts/threads according to content, title and already existing tags in...
  12. GoodApples

    Question Images in Description

    Can images in the Description be removed without having them removed from the Main Image / Sub gallery view. I wouldn't mind having the default image displayed but not all the images.
  13. Grumpy

    Bug Feature Listing Fee

    The fee amount does not show until you preview your ad. First pic is before the preview and the second pic is after. I have tried everything but I cannot seem to get it to work. I've notice on this site it is working like it should. Any ideas what might be causing my issue? before: after:
  14. M

    Bug Many Link Problems

    Hi i have any Problems with Links in Threads/Posts. 1. If i clicked an Link in an Post that go to another Thread in the Forum, it´s open in a new Browserwindow. 2. if i copy a link from the CMS in an Forumthread, they CMS Post Titel will not displayed, only complet Url. if i copy Forum links...
  15. ibinamaster

    Bug usergroup based error

    User A: User of Forum User B: Admin I'm using custom rewrite URLs, but also tried the default ones. The URLs aren't the problem, because the same URL works for other users. I have one particular Thread that causes a critical error. This Thread has 100 replies, 1 delated reply and is 11 pages...
  16. Em Kay

    Bug Threads Posting to Forum Closed/Open Randomness

    I had posted about this before in the ACP it wouldnt let me save to post the thread as locked in the forum. Now it's just doing it randomly. Some post as open some post as closed...
  17. T

    Bug Points not working when points column is not in user table

    I'm attempting to use another mod's existing points; vbexperience to be exact. I noticed that they are stored in two different locations. Once in the user table, and another in 'xperience_stats' > 'points_xperience'. However when I choose the xperience_stats as the Points Table the points do...
  18. Q

    Bug Problem with Sitemap

    Hello, I have a problem with the sitemap. GWT tells me: Your Sitemap does not contain URLs. Validating your Sitemap and resubmit. What should I do? Thank you! Sitemap url:
  19. Nirjonadda

    Bug Page load problem

    Sometime page does not load fully or correctly , code show and page broken, I think this issue come with config.php modification for XCache? Please check the ScreenShot, I Hope You Will Understand Me.
  20. K

    Bug Permission denied error when uploading new game

    i get this eror when i want to upload games import - temp - media is 777 but i already import some games 2 weeks ago Warning: file_put_contents(..../dbtech/vbarcade/import/temp/game_battlefield2Th/battlefield2Th.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in...