
  1. J

    Bug Database load increase

    I've tried to transfer my forum from vbseo to dbseo tonight, but there was a significant increase in database load and had to revert the procedure. There was a huge spike in query numbers with dbseo and althought the queries themselves didn't seem to be very intensive - the sheer number of them...
  2. Nirjonadda

    Bug Admin Strikes and Login Strikes Viewer

    What Do You Mean by Admin Strikes and Login Strikes Viewer ? Please give me some more info about that, Also I have some bug on the logger , please check the ScreenShot. Unknown language or User name: User name not found: User ID : 0 , Does vB have user id 0 ?
  3. Nirjonadda

    Question Can you use both memcached and xcache

    I have both memcached and xcache installed. Can you use both memcached and xcached? If yes than how to Edit the configuration file for config.php? Currently i am using xcache with vB Optimise, now how to use for config.php in memcached? I would suspect the settings in config.php would look...
  4. CharlieDelta

    Bug Not All Members Display

    The only members that are showing on the map are the staff. I checked all usergroup settings and they are fine and the setting in the member map options is set to "ALL".
  5. M

    Question Keep image size on import

    Just a quick one. I am about to import my photos again on a clean install over the weekend. I noticed that when importing from vbgallery that the images was all 600x400 in size and when I clicked enlarge nothing happened. The VBGallery is still installed at present and I checked a few of the...
  6. M

    Bug Php-error

    Hi Mokonzi, Found this little error in my php-error logs. As said in another thread this might be something to do with my site, but thought I would report it :) Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in /**********/forum/dbtech/classifieds_pro/hooks/notifications_list.php...
  7. R

    Bug Category Specifications table is Empty..

    Hello! I am a happy DB customer of many years.. just seemed to run into a problem with this software :) I purchased it earlier today, and ran through the usual install. I noticed in the setup (import of .xml file) that the install stopped on the word "Finalising..." and never advanced...
  8. M

    Bug £ Pound Sign Issue

    Hi Mokonzi, When I am logged into the forum the £ pound sign looks like a £ but when I am logged out and viewing as a guest the pound sign looks like a sort of diamond question mark Have a look at this attachment... strange one? Cheers Mick
  9. B

    Question Slider not showing

    I have just installed this and tried to follow the instructions. One the Home page I just see a spinning circle, nothing else I don't see it at all on the Forum main page - something is wrong, but I don't know what!
  10. seventhaxis

    Question Arcade Not Saving High Scores

    I posted over on the forums but figured it might be more beneficial to get help from the source. Currently considering purchasing the Pro version to this and other products, but I'm trying a few out (or will be soon) first. My only issue so far with the Arcade is that it's not...
  11. A

    Legacy Make user post X more times before they can thank again

    Hi I don't have this installed but I might consider it if there is a way to limit users from going from thread to thread clicking on "Like/Thanks" every 5 seconds. I'm not sure if it has this feature but if not my suggestion would be to make the user make X more posts before they can thank...
  12. M

    Bug Empty Description area on EDIT

    Hi Mokonzi, just a noticed this on the latest 1.0.1 When I go to edit a classified advert - on the edit page there is nothing in the description area. It should be auto populated with the members written description... Have a look at the attachment for more ideas. Thanks very much. Mick
  13. C

    Legacy Manually exclude or include threads/images

    I'd like to see a little more control over the threads/images that are displayed. For example, if a user is embarrased because they didn't take a good photo, it would be nice if they could tick a box to exclude thread from being used in the slide show. Likewise, as admin if a photo looks bad...
  14. B

    Permission error when I click on the buy now button

    Dear Support I installed the lite version of classifieds and currently road testing but unable to sort out this permission problem when I click the buy now button. "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page Go Back.." Any ideas which permission setting is causing the problem? Kind...
  15. T

    Question Auto-Confirm Settings

    I'm trying to get the vBDonate product to auto-confirm donations but it doesn't seem like it is working. In the PayPal we use, we have tried enabled & disabled the IPN and then pointed the setting to Page Not Found - Our Forum URL under the 'Site Name / URL / Contact Details'...
  16. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug Recalculating points issue

    Recalculated points this am due to placing some problematic members in moderation, (sadly that did not work until I put them under banned status it finally took them off the leaderboards), but now I noticed this user shows up with 0 points for the leaderboard but I know they should surely be on...
  17. C

    Question 2 forums with page not found?

    I've got two forums that are displaying page not found. I'm stumped as to why these two would not be working and others are. Here is a link to one, the other is a non-public forum). (or its non-seo url...
  18. G

    Bug Database error/Recalculating points

    Recalculating points does not work for all members. Some are being ignored by the script. I'm also getting the following error when one of my admins tries to run the script: Database error in vBulletin 4.2.2: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO opbbb_dbtech_vbactivity_points (userid) VALUES (...
  19. V

    Bug dbSEO gasps attached images in post

    dbSEO gasps attached images in post. Some users can not see them. I disabled dbseo and pictures appear, if active, appear not. Only happens to some users, others may see them and others do not. I recorded a video where you can see, I can send you belzazor by private message? thanks
  20. M

    Legacy Items that have ended

    Hi Mokonzi, I know how busy you are... But one of my members posted a thread about the classifieds. How do I know what an item sold for ? I was bidding on a nds card and its ended but don't know what the final price was or weather I won it or not as cant seem to find any reference of it now...