
  1. T

    Invalid User Licence

    wft is going on here, get into Customer Area on some Downloads this error message: Invalid User Licence Please fix this asap. regards TBolley
  2. konakid

    A couple of Questions

    Two Questions - I assume they have been asked before, but a 10 min search couldn't find any answers 1) If I buy one duration license and later decide I would like to extend it, do I get credit for my previous purchase and pay the difference for the longer or lifetime license? 2) Can I run a...
  3. Ozzy47

    Discounts on DragonByte Tech's Products & Addons

    The discount system DragonByte Technologies uses is outlined below. This can be Viewed after you select everything you want, and click on » View Cart / Checkout DragonByte Technologies - Discounts DragonByte Technologies offers 3 different discounts to...
  4. Vcize

    Do pro versions remove footer links?

    Are the footer links back to DBTech only for the free versions of the mods? Do the pro versions remove the footer links? I'm interested in buying the pro versions of several mods for several forums but there's no way I'm wasting 8 outbound links off of every page of my sites on a mod I'm...
  5. IcEWoLF

    Just a suggestion on update prices...

    I think 3 months of support is way too short. Its basically one update for vBulletin. I honestly think you should make it so people get life time support whenever they buy your product. Currently your lifetime package prices are just way too high. For example, $90 for shoutbox+lifetime support...
  6. sportainment

    Bug Branding Free Issue

    I purchased vBShop and Branding Free however no where in any of the files is there a branding free key and therefore branding is all over the site - have I wasted my money or will I eventually get the branding free (sounds like the previous vbc if you ask me where they suck money out of you and...
  7. daddybird292

    Couple questions before buying (Pricing, and Brand Free questions)

    Very nice mods - a couple questions: 1. Can you buy brand-free after buying the pro version? Example: buying a packaged deal and needing to go back and buy the brand free options. 2. How often do the packaged sets change? (Optim is very good, but I don't need shout - looking at Activity...
  8. T

    Profile Hover and Postbit Tabs Special offer ?

    Is the any Special offer on buy this 2 Addons at the same time (Profile Hover and Postbit Tabs) ? regards TBolley
  9. S


    You need to get the "Pre sale question" forum sorted out ... Why would you want my URL for a question i tried to post???????? The only option was "How do i" which was not what i wanted!! Anyway here is my question ... Do you have any promotions on your mods at the moment :p
  10. D

    Nothing to read for a week

    Everyday I go to DBT Forum to read something new, update or Cosmic Blog. But recently there is nothing to read, to update. Very boring, just say something here.
  11. blinkster

    Special Offers

    There is no InfoPanels Pro + vBActivity Pro + vB Optimise - *FREE* Premium Icon Pack offer, damn gonna have to buy seperate and cost a fortune :-( Can this be added? Een if it safes me a few $$
  12. DragonByte Technologies

    Site/Company feedback Requested

    As part of our ongoing effort to make DBTech as user friendly as possible, I would like to invite you all to leave your feedback, which i will try to respond to. Things like: Is there anything we could do to get you to purchase more from us. Is there anything that puts you off buying from us...
  13. RollaJedi

    Triple Triad using vbexperience points?

    Hello I use vbexperience and you earn their points. I'm going to purchase the pro version of triple triad from you. Can I use their points as money for triple triad? If so, i need to know what to put in the field for their money. thanks!