
  1. H

    Bug Duplicate posts after updating VB Shop

    After upgrading VB Shop and adding reputation points as a new currency, all new posts on our forum were posted twice. I took the forum offline, disabled the plugins one by one until I found the conflict. It was VB Credits (version 2.1.1). After disabling VB Credits all of the duplicate posts...
  2. Trekkan

    Legacy Make sidebar collapsible

    Would it be possible to make the forum home sidebar list of gallery images collapsible? I have a couple of members that have said on their phones, it messes up the website for them. I've tried to duplicate the problem on my phone, but can't. So, they'd like to disable/collapse that area when...
  3. D

    Question Duplicate postbit info

    My postbit is showing duplicate Thanks statistics and I can't for the life of me find where this info is being called twice. I use postbit tabs, it shows once above the tabs (incorrect) and once in the tab (correct). If I enable the Manual Postbit Deployment setting, it removed it from the...
  4. O

    Am I able to do it?

    Hi Guys, I'm in my 70s and this is a hobby, but I would like it to have a little success and have someone comeback and post. I'm not expecting this to happen overnight and I have all the time in the world to continue building. Three question please as I haven't a clue about any of this, if...
  5. J

    Bug Something's wrong with master / slave

    I have just upgraded to version 1.2.9 and instantly got a broken replication error message from my monitoring system. There was a Duplicate entry for one of the records in vb_dbtech_dbseo_resolvedurl that stopped the slave server. I thought this could be just an installation issue, but standard...
  6. Q

    Question duplicate meta descriptions

    Hi I had reported this problem some time ago, then it was sorted and duplicate meta descriptions were almost zero. Now, with the latest versions of dbseo, the problem has come back (5000+ duplicate meta d.) a screen
  7. N

    Legacy Duplicate Meta Description in Showthread with Multipage

    On Showthread with Multipages is the Meta Description on every Page the First Post of the Thread. This produces Duplicate Meta Descriptions and is not good for SEO. Please change this and use the First Post of every Page for the Meta Description. I mean it was in an old version of DBSEO them...
  8. bzcomputers

    Legacy Meta Description Changes To Alleviate Duplicate Warnings

    I've noticed quite a few pages being labeled as needing "HTML Improvements" in Google Webmaster tools due to duplicate meta descriptions and titles. The pages below all have the "default" vbulletin site meta description and title which is causing Google to flag them as needing improvements: 1)...
  9. ringnews24

    Bug Invalid query: Duplicate entry '127798' for key 'PRIMARY'57

    Invalid query: Duplicate entry I am getting this error again. I had it a while back but your fixed it and I have had no problems until now. I am going into hospital with my son tomorrow. So if you could email Rob and ringnews24@ringnews24.com and he will sort you out with any access that you...
  10. M

    Question Duplicate Titles - google webmaster

    Hi Fillip H., Not sure if this is something you can help out with or not, or if it has anything to do with DBSEO? I have like 1000+ duplicate Titles in google webmaster (html improvements section). See this attachment... cheers.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Archive Block

    Please can you add option Restrict access to Archive by usergroup and Spiders? Ex:
  12. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Archive Rewrites

    Please can you add option for Archive Rewrites ?
  13. BarelyHangingOn

    Question Rewriting Archive Urls

    How do I rerwrite archive urls? Everything with the SEO urls appears to be working fine but my archive URLS are not rewritten. Thanks!
  14. R

    Question Duplicate content through Activity stream

    I am finding that most of my content end up having duplicate content so to say because of activity stream. So any point of time my content shows two URL's one natural and one through Activity stream. Is it normal?
  15. W

    Question Dragon Byte SEO and Google Analytics

    Ok, so the first day I installed this SEO tool, Google Analytics tells me that the pages per visit jumped 27% and the bounce rate goes to near zero. Dragon Byte SEO seems impressive but it can't work this fast. What's up with these numbers?
  16. I

    Bug vbactivity 3.1.4

    Database Error vbactivity 3.1.4 We are running into an issues with the activity feed part of vbactivity, When a user clicks the activity feed we end up getting a database error so we recently disabled the activity feed and haven't gotten a database error since then. Any Idea's on what the issue...
  17. dreamchrono

    Bug 2 BUG (or 3) and Custom Work Request

    Dear Sir, I'm using vBulletin 4.2.2 Patch Level 1 I'm using DragonByte SEO v1.0.9 My Forum is still in beta test (401 Authorization Required) .htaccess login: dreamchrono pass: 8FGn56nk And we're using a custom hand made Theme I have 2 BUG Request + 1 Feature Request and probably need...
  18. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have purchased DBSEO today in order to migrate from VBSEO. I did the migration right now in my production environment and it seems to be OK. BUT I have seen that my archives thread links are not rewritten the same way than when browsing normaly. My fear is to have duplicate content due...
  19. ringnews24

    Bug Invalid query: Duplicate entry

    Invalid query: Duplicate entry '28804' for key 'PRIMARY'56 When I click certain threads/categorys I get the above error. I had Vbulletin look into the problem and they didn't know what it was. They suggested I disable SEO and remove the SEO code in .htaccess and the problem went away. I am...
  20. Nirjonadda

    Bug Postbit Entry List Is Missing

    Postbit Entry List is empty, Does not show who is Clicked Thanks / Like Statistics In Postbit, Please check and fix on this issue, If i go to with the Profile Tab link and Does not get any Thanks / Like on my Post. All old Thanks / Like are Missing on Postbit.