
  1. V

    Bug dbSEO gasps attached images in post

    dbSEO gasps attached images in post. Some users can not see them. I disabled dbseo and pictures appear, if active, appear not. Only happens to some users, others may see them and others do not. I recorded a video where you can see, I can send you belzazor by private message? thanks
  2. Sam Wiltshire

    Bug VBShout Lite Upgrade / uninstall errors

    Hello Guys, Its been a while since updating the forums and as a result of updating the forums i thought it would be a good idea to update my hooks. with a result of updating my VBShout Lite , i can NOT upgrade nor uninstall it to reinstall it , when i go to over write it im hit with a static...
  3. 1quicksi

    Question Problem during install

    For some reason 1 of my sites seems to have a problem installing this. Tested on 2 other sites with no issues... The site that is having a problem hangs after: Updating Version Number To: 1.0.0b1 •Altered Table: administrator •Altered Table: usergroup •Created Table: dbtech_forumads_banner...
  4. aaronchem

    Question Thanks Like Lite button not showing

    I just installed thanks/like system on brand new VB4.2.2 If I switch display mode as "compact", buttons show up but do not do anything when click on them If switch to "full" and "no header", nothing happens. no buttons appear. Cab you help me with that?
  5. ZeroHour

    Please disable the anti-spam for customers

    I understand the need to prevent spam but please please disable this for customers who have bought a product at least. Using the search is a nightmare because of this so I am having to use google to get around the problem. Cheers
  6. T

    Dragonbyte SEO

    I am going to purchase this but I have a question. I have vBseo. Do I have to uninstall it or will Dragonbyte SEO write over everything? TY.
  7. Nirjonadda

    Bug Banner Dimensions

    Banner Dimensions Border does not working correctly and block ads massage image showing on same time.
  8. GoodApples

    Question Disable Button is not remaining clicked

    Thanks / Likes --> Forum Manager -->Editing Button: Forum Disable Button is not remaining clicked and Buttons are being displayed in the Forum I found this... This is what I have... PHP Version 5.4.22 max_input_vars1000 Change to 10000 ? I'm trying to figure out if I can do this by cPanel...
  9. racersimage

    Bug Unable to use PhotoPost vBGallery with DBSEO enabled.

    Hi again, I just installed PhotoPosts vBGallery and when attempting to upload photos and create new categories, upon clicking submit, I get sent to my homepage which is my default 301 redirect. That program is installed in a separate folder above the forum root but integrates into the database...
  10. O

    Question Transaction Log

    My transaction log is showing when members earn points for the shop which has ballooned the log to hundreds of unnecessary pages. Is there a way to make the transaction log only record purchases made by members to the shop? Also, is there a way to disable the transaction log from being seen on...
  11. T

    Bug Replace URL with Titletag still now work after upgrading to rc3

    Hi The auto url replacement with title tags still do not works on RC3 . even with our internal links . the problem now ,is the old threads with many urls : some urls are even not clickable and are just text . Tryied also to post a signle link on a post and the featuer not work .
  12. Mike Carter

    Question Remove "User Tags" Shoutbox tab?

    Hi How do I remove the User Tags chatroom for vBShout? This is not needed. Thanks
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Some URL Result

    Some URL Result /?f=9&page=137 does not work and not Redirect.
  14. H

    Question Vbanswer don't work

    why don't show form for asking?
  15. Nirjonadda

    Question vBCredits Doing High server load

    vBCredits Doing High server load on my forum , Please can you fix high server load issue? With vBCredits Server Load : 10.32 (6 CPUs) Always And Its up to more than server load : 100 Without vBCredits Server Load : 1.50 , 2.00 (6 CPUs) Max : 4
  16. C

    Bug some forums work and others do not

    OK so most forums work like- Product Announcements & Manufacturer News but other do not work- http://www.welderzone.com/forums/hobart/4271-hobart-gw-222-restoration-finished-video.html why?
  17. tio2013

    Bug Problem URL with DBTech seo

    Hello, I install DragonByte SEO so when i clic to the forum section i have a white page ( The requested URL /work-out/ was not found on this server.) right now i disable the plug in so my forum work. I hope you can help? Thanks
  18. neounix

    Bug mysqldump from main site to backup uses original (main site) urls in many areas

    Hi! Thank you for the great support so far. DBSEO keeps getting better and better. Just a small "bug" to report.. not sure if it is important or not.... When I do a full mysqldump of our database and move it over to our backup site, we have code that insures the 'bburl' and the 'homeurl'...
  19. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Disable User Info

    Please can you add option Disable vB default Postbit User Info without manual template edit ?
  20. R

    Question Moved from VBSEO, some url's not working

    Hi, I've moved from VBSEO. Most of the website is now working fine, however there are a couple of area which I'm having trouble with. One is Media(VB Tube), the other is Garage Both of these mods supplied a custom rewrite rule to pop into VBSEO. I see DBSEO also has the same area, this was...