
  1. Trekkan

    Bug Error during install

    While installing, I clicked "next" to start the merge and got the following error, this is while upgrading from 1.3. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/XXXXX/public_html/community/admincp/arcade_admin.php on line 1004
  2. Darkwaltz4

    Question Download Beta: #7

    Kept here will be the revision log for each beta version. You can find the actual zip to download in your members area. The date on the members area download may not be updated, but just keep up with the latest posts here and download accordingly. This work is to be treated as any license...
  3. Darkwaltz4

    Question General Discussion

    Welcome to the closed beta testing program for vBArcade v2. The main new feature for v2 is Tournament functionality, however there are some unrelated special features you'll get to play with in the near future. There is a separate thread I am posting the actual zip file for you to download and...
  4. J

    Bug improper display

    Hello In the box with me has got mixed up who to play the hiscore. Sorry for my bad English
  5. wEbAddEr

    Battle Mod

    A battle mod like the one from ip2 and ipb3 would be nice, it keeps a lot of members active on the board. It's nice to kill other members, and with a very active board the guilds make it rocks, guilds against guilds. You can even add extra stuff as battle armor like the "Enhanced" version
  6. L

    Bug Since update to vb 4.2 no scores working

    Hi, since i Updated my forum to Version 4.2 there no scores are submitted now. The settings are correct and the .htaccess is the same. If i try to submit a new score then i see only a white page (where the game was) or i see for a few seconds the index.php in the game frame and then the...
  7. doctorsexy

    Question vbseo and arcade

    Hi... what do i need to add to the arcades .htaccess file to get vbseo and the arcade to work on my server..thanks
  8. S

    Bug Arcade Forum BLock not displaying correctly

    I have the top scores enabled in the forum blocks for the Arcade and there is no formatting. I checked on here and it appears grand, do I need to add any CSS or should it be the same as on here.
  9. TandyServices

    Question postbit

    How would i take out the code and then put the Trophies in my postbit tab? I made a new tab called Arcade and then coppied your code but it did not work.. i just want to move the Trophies into its own tab.. Thanks for your help..
  10. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug VBArcade 1.30 XML Install Parse error

    Just downloaded and tried to install and received this error when using the product-dbtech_vbarcade.xml Installer Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/content/47/9320747/html/dbtech/vbarcade/arcade_installer.php on line 192
  11. H

    [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe next update?

    I just took a look on [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe - Page 27 - Forum and [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe has not been updated since 2010! I have replied to that thread here Forum - View Single Post - [DBTech] vBCredits II Deluxe When can an update be expected? Based...
  12. Snorqi

    Legacy Gametabs

    Sorry, leider spreche ich (fast) kein Englisch Zuerst, danke vielmals für diese Arcade. Meine User lieben sie! Bis jetzt hatten wir keinerlei Probleme damit. Jetzt kommen erste Feedbacks von den Usern: Die Tabs hätten sie gerne auch unten auf der Seite. Ebenfalls auf der Seite mit dem Spiel...
  13. W

    vBArcade for XenForo

    Hello DBTech Team I'm very glad to see you guys released 2 XenForo add-ons, May I request you to please consider on porting your vBArcade add-on over XenForo? XenForo still don't have a stable Arcade mod and I'm very much interested in buying your Arcade add-on if you port it for XenForo...
  14. doctorsexy

    Bug on import Internal Server Error

    Hi ...on importing games im getting this Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might...
  15. S

    Legacy Trophies in postbit

    Trophies in postbit..I'd like to see them as a scroller or something javarish showing your latest trophies..For me it's just to bland at the moment and not meeting the high standards of the arcade..
  16. S

    Bug Game panel gaps

    Upgrade went well..But still the annoying one remains..Missing game blocks.Again I'll have to post them as images as when you try to add them as attachments they go to moderating. Upgrade was flawless,but not really sure what was upgraded.Forum block is good:D..But no Cms.. Brilliant...
  17. twolegit

    Question set up jackpots and prices

    I've set all games jackpots but it still says play for free. i looked the arcade docs but i didn't see anything in there....I'm guessing i am missing a step
  18. CharlieDelta

    Bug Error - Division by zero

    I just upgraded to the newest version and now getting this error at top of the arcade page.
  19. angeljs

    Question Showing vBshout on vBarcade

    Please can you tell me how to place the shout code, {vb:raw show.vbshout_instance1}, on vBarcade as placing it under the navbar code seems to mess up the arcade.
  20. S

    Legacy Rss Feed

    Would it be possible to create an rss feed for the latest added games. It's just something I personally would find useful and I don't recall any other arcade having the feature.Accept for someone trying to do it themselves years ago.. <? $host = "host"; $root = "root"; $password ="pass"...