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  1. RedKnight91

    Alpha Bugs

    Did you catch Missingno? XD
  2. RedKnight91

    My Feedback

    Also about the healing part, I'd like to remember how that works in most RPGs: go to an Inn, Pokèmon Center or whatever you want (and that's already more time spent than just clicking on a "heal" button), wait for your character to heal and return to the place where you were before. That's a...
  3. RedKnight91

    Alpha 3 issues/suggestions

    lol, at least try
  4. RedKnight91

    Alpha 3 issues/suggestions

    AND i suggest to adopt the TWEWY (the world ends with you, the nintendo ds RPG) monster encounter style: You go into a map, and you see monster icons floating on the map, you have 4 types of symbol: small, medium, big, and big blue ones. Small means weak monsters, medium medium monsters and big...
  5. RedKnight91

    Feedback REQ on background images

    totally fucking quote. I say I'm gonna do default backgrounds, and I'm drawing them v_v
  6. RedKnight91

    Monster/Pet RPG v0.1 Alpha online

    cool : ° ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax
  7. RedKnight91

    Monster/Pet RPG v0.1 Alpha online

    Me too!! It's sssssloooooooooooooooooowwww.. maybe it's because i'm from Italy? My connection is pretty good so that shouldn't be the problem
  8. RedKnight91

    Alpha 3 issues/suggestions

    Suggestions: 1) Make the screen wider (like 80~100px wider). That wouldn't be a problem cause sheesh, find a person who has a screen with resolution lower than 1024x760. No one! So, the actual dimension is 900px, adding the browser's scroll bar, which is less than 20px wide, we have 920px...
  9. RedKnight91

    Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation!

    i'm diggin' the game, i'm level 3 XD i should work, d'oh XD
  10. RedKnight91

    Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation!

    no problem, thank you for playing our game : p
  11. RedKnight91

    Levelling & Advanced Monster Creation!

    i'm loving this.. but i gotta go back to work to grant you slackers some new stuff to have fun with, that's not fair XD
  12. RedKnight91

    So about these monsters...

    lol, with bling bling and stuff like that? XDD
  13. RedKnight91

    So about these monsters...

    lol, I hope my art will keep up with your expetations : p
  14. RedKnight91

    Huh? Wha? Read This First

    Man, everyone seems to think it's easy to create a "simple language" but it's not guys, trust me : o It's not easy to code a game, even a simple game, and it's not easy to make it like there's few or no bugs and everyone can change it like they want : o
  15. RedKnight91

    The "I MUST have it, but can't get it yet!" Thread!

    Lol!! I want Luigi's Mansion for GameCube, it's fucking hard to find, a new TV (a LED one), a new bed (a BIG one), and a new guitar (a GOOD one!) : )
  16. RedKnight91

    Huh? Wha? Read This First

    we should totally make a poll and see what people want in the RPG : )
  17. RedKnight91

    So about these monsters...

    yay for us : ) by the way, it should be already over 5000 combinations
  18. RedKnight91

    On the Menu Tonight!

    ok, i'll trust you on this one ; )
  19. RedKnight91


    XD i thought that too
  20. RedKnight91


    wow, seems like he's an important guy, and i didn't know XD glad you're in the team!