Search results for query: *

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    Question Importing from Photopost or VBGallery

    I have tried this on one of my test web sites that has 83 photos in my Photopost Gallery and it is not importing all the photos. During the import process it says it is only finding 2 images, it says "We found 2 images for this mod. Select the gallery to import to and press the button below if...
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    Question Importing from Photopost or VBGallery

    I see the option to import from Photopost and VBG but have a few questions. I have over 40,000 photos in my VBGallery. I don't want to import all these photos into my new DBG and have them all dump into one category. Is there a way to have the same category names in DBG that I have in VBG and...
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    Yes, this fixed the problem. Thank you very much.
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    OK, I will give it a try and let you know. The file versions are the same that I downloaded before but I will try it again.
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    Here is an error that is is showing up also with the gallery:
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    I installed this on my live site and am now able to get to the Gallery. However on my live site and I upload a photo and make it active, then click save. It stays on that screen. It seems like nothing happens. After waiting for a while, nothing happens. Then I go to the category that I put the...
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    Question Can sub categories be created

    Is there any way to change the directory structure so that when you on the main page it will display the top level categories and all the lower ones under them?
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    No matter what I do. If I remove the rule or even delete the .htaccess file I get the following error:
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    Here is what is in my .htaccess file in the public_html
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    When I click on the gallery Tab. It redirects me to the VB Blogs page and the url at the top shows AT Troll Photography
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    Question Can't get to Gallery

    I installed this on one of my test web sites to play with before I put it on my live site. I installed this and everything went very smoothly. However when I click on the gallery tab, it will not take me to the gallery. Did I do something wrong or did I miss something?