Search results for query: *

  1. H

    Question Error with Google Sitemap

    Hello, In the Google Sitemap Search report, i report an error in a file in my sitemap. Google says: Excessive URL number Your Sitemap contains too many URLs. Create multiple Sitemaps, each containing up to 50000 URLs, and reinstate all Sitemaps. Sitemap...
  2. H

    Question Migrate http to https

    Hello, I migrated the site from http to https, i have to change something in DBSEo Plugin? I need to change something for the Canonical URL? Thx
  3. H

    Question Where to place the .htaccess file?

    I try to explain. On my site is installed vbulletin forum + CMS I want you instead connect to the root of my domain and then to the main page of the site will be redirected to the main forum page.
  4. H

    Question Where to place the .htaccess file?

    Yes, I think so, redirects work. But i wanted to run a redirect CMS on the forum and I can not do it. My concern is that it is not the correct location of the file
  5. H

    Question Where to place the .htaccess file?

    Hello Fillip H., if you insert the file into the root and active RewriteBase /forum/ the page gives me Internal error. Maybe i have to activate these commands: # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.hardwaregame\.it # RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301] At this time the...
  6. H

    Question Where to place the .htaccess file?

    Hello, i have vbulletin + cms, where the CMS is installed in the root and the forum in the dir / forum. The .htaccess file where I put it? in the root or in the / forum? Thanks for support
  7. H

    Bug Url always indexed down

    Hi Fillip H., I did not want make you angry, just understand.:) Google Webmaster tool first pointed me to have "x" url indexed, i now indicates much less. I wondered if it was due to some setup error plugin
  8. H

    Bug Url always indexed down

    I begin to worry seriously. I passed by vBSEO to DBSEO to and during import I still lost indexed URL on Google, but in the course of two weeks are further decreasing. I sent about 125,000 url, two weeks ago I had 40,000 and are now at 2500 What's going on with DBSEO?
  9. H

    Question rewrite url

    Thanks Fillip H., where was the problem?
  10. H

    Question rewrite url

    I'm sorry . I had read the PM but then I forgot
  11. H

    Question rewrite url

    Hi Fillip H., Excuse me if I insist, but the problem of double // is causing me loss index by google, you can check? thank you
  12. H

    Question rewrite url

    Hi Fillip H., I still have not received any support on the issue of pagen not found my domain without www,when you think you give me support?
  13. H

    Bug Does not exchange DBSEO CP to Vb admin CP

    Hi Fillip H., no I have not changed anything. The path of the directory is correct passing over the mouse pointer, but by clicking on the left I have left the Dbtech panel and on the right of my site forum.
  14. H

    Bug Does not exchange DBSEO CP to Vb admin CP

    Hello, when I want to go back to the admin panel vBSEO that of Vbulletin AdminCP on my forum displays the page on the right and go to VB Admin I have to leave and then return. What can it be?
  15. H

    Question rewrite url

    Thankyou, have sent PM
  16. H

    Question rewrite url

    Hello, I have DBSEO Pro and now I have this URL: Come difendersi da Spyware, Adware, Riskware, Pornware, HiJacker What if I change it to : Will I get 404 errors for the previous URLs? If yes, how can I prevent this?" And other Answer. if I go on my domain...
  17. H

    Question Purchase License Pro

    Hello, I purchased a license but I can not download the file? because I can not access the PRO Support Forum? I sent emails, I hope for a quick resolution
  18. H

    Question Purchase License Pro

    hi I would like to purchase the PRO license, I did not understand from the home page if I have access to a support ticket system with pro license users?