Recent content by Twincam

  1. T

    Question Road Map

    Thanks. We'd need to add a few hundred categories and about 10,000 photos. When I converted from Gallery2 to DragonByte I basically took the bulk uploader and rewrote it to read the Gallery2 database. Is there a similar bulk uploader in XF2? I looked but I couldn't see one.
  2. T

    Question Road Map

    Hi We are using Dragonbyte Gallery with vBulletin 4. What's your roadmap for Dragonbyte Gallery? Do you intend to support vBulletin 5 or any other forum software in the future? I'm also looking at PHP versions, what's the most recent PHP version that Dragonbyte Gallery supports? Basically...
  3. T

    Question Floating the border between the category dropdown and the thumbnails

    Some of our category names are quite long and wrap round inside the category box, it it possible to allow the category dropdown box to size itself depending on the length of the category name, then have the border move across the page allowing less space for the thumbnails?
  4. T

    Question pagenav

    Well, this isn't embarrassing at all. vB - General Settings - Number of Pages Visible in Page Navigator. It was set to zero, so displaying every page as it apparently should.
  5. T

    Question pagenav

    No, we're vanilla. We've only just installed 4.2.3 and haven't touched a single template. Are there any parametes in vB I could change that might influence the appearance of pagenav?
  6. T

    Question pagenav

    I don't think there's anywhere else it would run to more than a dozen pages anyway, so it wouldn't really notice.
  7. T

    Question pagenav

    How do I change the format of pagenav? The gallery currently has 300 pages of images and pagenav is generating individual page links for every page which goes on for several lines! Thanks
  8. T

    Legacy PDF support

    OK. It'll be a while before I get round to this anyway, there aren't that many pdf files! I'll ley you know when I get it working.
  9. T

    Legacy Gallery2 conversion

    That's a great idea, It'd be a shame to write it and not have anyone else use it. Could I leave the packaging to you? I'll just send you the replacement acpimport module and you can build it in to the class properly, give it a new name and release it. I've actually got it working now I just...
  10. T

    Legacy PDF support

    Hi We have a small number of PDF files in our existing gallery. I'm going to migrate them across anyway and add support for pdf files - there's no rush. I imagine this may involve quite a few small changes to quite a few modules which will make it a pain for me to install updated versions of...
  11. T

    Legacy Gallery2 conversion

    I've written a conversion utility (a replacement for acpimport.php) to bring our Gallery2 data into Dragonbyte Gallery. The migration will happen in a few weeks: 1) Is anyone else interested in this? If so I'll write it up and post it here. 2) We will need a licence, but I haven't got...
  12. T

    Question Changing category

    It's in my gallery, but I can't see an option to edit. I'll check the settings
  13. T

    Question Changing category

    Hi If I upload an image into the wrong category, how do I change the category? Thanks
  14. T

    Dragonbyte Gallery ported to vB5

    It;s been asked before, but quite a while ago. Do you have plans to port Dragonbyte Gallery to vB5? Writing a tool to move all our content over from Gallery2 may be a fair bit of programming effort and I'm not sure I want to do that if you're not planning to take it to vB5 because we'll be going...
  15. T

    Question Batch upload, migration from Gallery2

    OK, once we've got the Gallery installed I'll have a look. Tx