Recent content by PaulProe

  1. P

    Question Re-arrange template?

    Fillip We don't have issue with the unsubscribe link, other than where it is placed. We have a guy who doesn't put a signature or anything at the bottom of the email and the 'unsubscribe' link appears to be something the reader should be following (Yes, we are serving an older, not tech type...
  2. P

    Question Re-arrange template?

    Fillip, Any suggestions on which email template is the one to address? I've tried opening all and not finding what I think would be the appropriate code for all of this ? ? ? Thanks Paul
  3. P

    Question Re-arrange template?

    Fillip, Thanks for your help. I have not been able to identify which template your Mail adding uses when we send to a mailing list distribution. If I filter the email templates with the term "mail", it displays 16 different templates - some are identified, but none specific to the default email...
  4. P

    Question Re-arrange template?

    WE are using Dragonbyte Mail and the default template to send meeting notifications to our members. The format of the email places the "Unsubscribe from mailing list" link right in the middle of the bottom of the email. Some of our users are getting confused by this (Don't understand why but ...
  5. P

    Question email editor - Dragonbyte or XF?

    Fillip, Is the email editor that is used with Dragonbyte Mail coding by Dragonbyte or by XF? Trying to add pictures to an email and I notice the only option to insert a picture is by a URL link, not a file upload. I also noticed the logo that XF is supposed to insert into emails doesn't...
  6. P

    Question Not understanding setup procedure

    Fillip Found the search feature - To a new user, it is buried in 'View Users' and click on 'Search Logs'. You can then run the search on each Maillist to see who is subscribed.
  7. P

    Question Not understanding setup procedure

    Fillip, Thanks for your help. I see what you did. I noticed you selected yes on the usergroup that is to receive the emails ( Three buttons). But then you also selected the 'registered user' group and set those the No (Three buttons) Couple more clarifications On the Yes group, if I enable...
  8. P

    Question Not understanding setup procedure

    Fillip, My apologies, I forgot to set the admin page (still learning the ins & outs of XF). It has been enabled now and I checked the access to make sure Paul
  9. P

    Question Not understanding setup procedure

    Fillip Thanks so much for your offer to look over this. Since listing my question, I have made some progress however the 'showing all members' issue still persists. So items that may be helpful 1) I've deleted all maillists but one. That maillist is to the five officers of the club. I have...
  10. P

    Question Not understanding setup procedure

    Fillip, Thinking I might have screwed the settings up, I deleted ALL mailing lists, then purged all cache's and made sure there weren't any permissions still set. I then built a mailing list following your instructions explicitly. The list is to 'officers only' which is also a user group which...
  11. P

    Question Not understanding setup procedure

    Fillip, I am struggling with the procedure to setup and use mailing lists. I may be making it more complicated than it is but not there yet. I went into my users groups and setup specific usergroups that will be used for mailing: Admins UnRenewed Members Potential Members Meeting Notification...
  12. P

    Question New User - setup Questions

    Fillip, I just purchased the Mail plugin for Xenforo 2.2 and have a couple of questions on use and setup. My intention is to add an email tool for a couple of our moderators to use when necessary. I hope I didn't misunderstand the capabilities of Mail When we do a mailing, we would like that...
  13. P

    Question OnLine Voting - Multiple Poll or quiz

    I apologize if this is a duplicate message - I also just chose a product we are using, it may or may not be appropriate to the question. Do you have a module that will allow us to do online voting for a club officers election Maybe a multiple poll or quiz type thing We are using vBulletin...
  14. P

    Question Documentation or best practices

    Is there documentation or a best practices thread on how to use DB Gallery. Navigation settings, settings so I can upload a picture, categories, etc. Trying to use the app on our forum in place of other Galleries and having all kinds of issues. Thanks Paul
  15. P

    Question Installed but no Menu on admin panel

    Thanks, that solved it. is there a help article or pdf that provides more info on its use? I am a neophyte vB user and trying to understand their CMS & Blog section