Recent content by admin1980

  1. admin1980

    Bug DBSO Breaks URL format on VBSocial Notifications Plugin

    Hi Fillip H., manually removing "&viewfull=1" from the URL doesn't make a difference, the page still fails to load, are you sure this is the issue? This is not good, I was practically done will all my setup prior to launch and now I'm stuck with this issue. I definitely cannot remove the...
  2. admin1980

    Bug DBSO Breaks URL format on VBSocial Notifications Plugin

    Hi Fillip H., I'm not sure how to strip that part off the URL, not at that level. If you can guide me I can definitely try. Thank you.
  3. admin1980

    Bug DBSO Breaks URL format on VBSocial Notifications Plugin

    Hi Fillip H., This is pretty much in reference to another ticket which you resolved and I validated prior to noticing the following issue. I have VBSocial's Notifications plugin, this plugin's notifications link back to the associated post it is notifying on. Unfortunately the...
  4. admin1980

    Bug SQL Error Too Many Connections

    Hi Fillip H., Would the fact that my forum is not yet live make a difference in your assessment? I'm the only one who connects to the forum while preparing it for launch. How many connections allowed are we looking at roughly to put a number out there? Thank you.
  5. admin1980

    Bug SQL Error Too Many Connections

    Hi Support, Suddenly for no apparent reason I get this error message on my site at the front page, so my site is down. You have all cp/ftp login credentials from another ticket resolved yesterday. I need your immediate help please. ------------------------------------------------ Warning...
  6. admin1980

    Bug Issues Displaying Pages After Installation

    Hi Fillip H., it seems to be resolved! No other issues that I can see. Thank you so much for such quick support.
  7. admin1980

    Bug Issues Displaying Pages After Installation

    Hi Fillip H., I've sent you the login credentials in a PM. Thank you.
  8. admin1980

    Bug Issues Displaying Pages After Installation

    Hi, I just bought your DB SEO plugin today. I'm getting page cannot be displayed errors on all forums and posts. In the Blogs section, I can't view the full blogs as I get a "This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view" message. In CMS the menu links are all...
  9. admin1980

    Cyber Monday Discounts

    That's odd, I thought I did mention the plugins. This is in regards to "DragonByte SEO" and " vBOptimise" plugins. The discount should be for 55% but at checkout it only knocks off 50%
  10. admin1980

    Cyber Monday Discounts

    Hi there, this post is time sensitive as your promo ends today. The promo code I received by email does no apply 55% OFF on my purchase, it only applies 50%. 5% is not much but it is when the Canadian dollar has dropped significantly to the US dollar. Can you please look into it and advise?
  11. admin1980

    Question Raffle entries and Currency from DB Activity & Awards plug-in.

    Thank you!! What was the cause of the issue? in case it happens again I can try fixing it myself. Thanks.
  12. admin1980

    Question Raffle entries and Currency from DB Activity & Awards plug-in.

    Hi Fillip H., I've sent you a PM with your FTP account details. Thank you.
  13. admin1980

    Question Raffle entries and Currency from DB Activity & Awards plug-in.

    HI Fillip H., I fixed the blank page issue. It was one of the plugins i had disabled, not compatible with the site and caused that problem. Please go a head an take a look when you have a moment. Thank you.
  14. admin1980

    Question Raffle entries and Currency from DB Activity & Awards plug-in.

    Hi Fillip H., Thanks for checking but I still cant get the link to appear, I already made the change to the User Groups but nothing. My site is not live yet, feel free to make the change yourself if needed to verify this is working. Thanks.
  15. admin1980

    Question Raffle entries and Currency from DB Activity & Awards plug-in.

    Hi Fillip H., can you please assist? I completely understand you must be swamped running your site/business but it's bee 24 days since I reported this issue. Can you please go in and make the necessary changes the the plugin settings for this to work?