Bug Question about the fees at the Classifieds

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Hello - we have installed the Lite Version of the Classifieds in our forum, but we are also interested in the pro-version. I have already write a posting in the vbulletin.org forum - but I hope you can also help me here.

There is an option to set fees, that the sellers have to pay to us, but it does not work at our forum. How and when will the merchant be notified about the fees and to have the possibility to pay for it? In all our test-sellings, there wer alway no fees. What did I maybe wrong?

And then I have a question, if it is also possible for other user to ask questions under the normal listing of one product. Maybe a normal Forum discussion under the detail site of one product.

And question number three is: Is it possible to make different fees depending on the condition of a product that a user submits? Maybe more if it is a "new" product...

And then I have maybe found 1 small bug:

When I have a listed product, when I click on the "contact seller" link, I get in the PN-Section, but then the nickname is not in the recipient field. The field is empty.

I hope you can help me.

Thank you!

Now we have bought the Pro-Version of the Classifieds. But we have the same problem with the fees.
Always "There are no Fees for this listing."

What can we do?

What did I set wrong? Here are the screenshots of the both fees. One insertion-fee and one final value fee.


I have read of the "My Seller Fee" Page - where can I find this page?

And why is there no PM to the seller where the fees are listed in?

Thank you!
I have read of the "My Seller Fee" Page - where can I find this page?

And why is there no PM to the seller where the fees are listed in?

Thank you!


That's the page it is on here, though for you it will be blank unless you listed an item. You can see this page when on any Classifieds page through the User Control Panel menu on those pages.

I'll see if there's a way we can send a unique reminder PM to the sellers, and I'll come back to you on this tomorrow and I'll do some tests to check it's all working properly. :)

The settings on your fees look great, but just remember that you need a fee for each type of listing you are doing, so one for auction, one for Buy-it-Now, etc.
That's the page it is on here, though for you it will be blank unless you listed an item. You can see this page when on any Classifieds page through the User Control Panel menu on those pages.

This site works here - but I have no link to this site anywhere. But when you now ask, if I have activated the following: "Pick where you would like the modification to integrate itself with the forum." - Then I have so say "yes". But on any Classifieds page there is no such Quick Links or Community menu. See the picture.

And on the standard-Forum pages, there is only one link that is then new in the community and quick link menus - and that is ony "Forum Analytics" - which is linked to: dbtclassifieds.php?do=main. Nothing else. Is that normal?

Here in this Forum I only see the link to the seller-fees and other links in the User-Panel-Menu under the main-menu. But we do not have these links here. See also the picture I have added. I do not have the links "New Listing" "View Listings" "Search" and "User Control Panel".

Yes it is important, that the seller gets also a PM with infos about the seller fees he has to pay.

And the other point is: Why is there always the notice on the detail site of each item I add "There are no Fees for this listing."?

I also asked above, if it is possible to set a different seller fee depending on the condition of a product that a user submits? Maybe more if it is a "new" product... and not so much if it a "used" product. Do you think that could be possible?

It would be very nice, if you can test some things and then come back to me until tomorrow, because we really want to set the classifieds online tomorrow :)


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This site works here - but I have no link to this site anywhere. But when you now ask, if I have activated the following: "Pick where you would like the modification to integrate itself with the forum." - Then I have so say "yes". But on any Classifieds page there is no such Quick Links or Community menu. See the picture.

And on the standard-Forum pages, there is only one link that is then new in the community and quick link menus - and that is ony "Forum Analytics" - which is linked to: dbtclassifieds.php?do=main. Nothing else. Is that normal?

Here in this Forum I only see the link to the seller-fees and other links in the User-Panel-Menu under the main-menu. But we do not have these links here. See also the picture I have added. I do not have the links "New Listing" "View Listings" "Search" and "User Control Panel".

Yes it is important, that the seller gets also a PM with infos about the seller fees he has to pay.

And the other point is: Why is there always the notice on the detail site of each item I add "There are no Fees for this listing."?

I also asked above, if it is possible to set a different seller fee depending on the condition of a product that a user submits? Maybe more if it is a "new" product... and not so much if it a "used" product. Do you think that could be possible?

It would be very nice, if you can test some things and then come back to me until tomorrow, because we really want to set the classifieds online tomorrow :)

If you can send me some admin login details with access to run a product install and also FTP access I can take a look in the morning and see if we can work out what the problem is.

It might be possible to add the ability to add different fee options for condition of items. Can you create a new Feature request thread about it and I'll keep track of it there. :)

I'm puzzled as to why you've not got the links correctly. The only thing that might be left to do is clear any caches you have, or any optimization programs, or rebuild the styles. It might be that why you aren't getting the links.
I am very sorry, but it is not possible for me to give you an admin-login. I hope we can solve that without this.

I have searched in the templates. I have no templates with the "yui-gen6"-menu - or other menus, that are also listed in the xml-File from classifieds.

<link name="link_ota0_199" date="1401139935" username="Mokonzi" version="1.1.6">

There are no menus like this in all our templates.
I have now deleted one of the fees that I set up. Before there were 2 fees for "Buy-It-Now" - one Insertion Fee with Flat Rate and one extra Fee in Percentage for the Final Value. Is it possible that 2 fees not work together? Because now it works with just one fee :)

Hmm... or perhaps is it not possible to make a final value-fee for buy-it-now listings?

And another question: Is it possible to approve also the discussion thread in the forum when approving the listing at classfieds?
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I have now deleted one of the fees that I set up. Before there were 2 fees for "Buy-It-Now" - one Insertion Fee with Flat Rate and one extra Fee in Percentage for the Final Value. Is it possible that 2 fees not work together? Because now it works with just one fee :)

Hmm... or perhaps is it not possible to make a final value-fee for buy-it-now listings?

And another question: Is it possible to approve also the discussion thread in the forum when approving the listing at classfieds?

Not at the moment, but if you put in a feature request I can look at whether we can make it possible.

Not having Admin rights would make it tricky. Have you reimported the XML since you upgraded to Pro. Either your template is missing the hook (but I don't think this is the case as it looks like you use fairly standard templates) or the system doesn't think there is a template there.

This last option makes the most sense if you are caching the templates in some way. Is that the case? Have you got vBOptimised or something similar installed?

Regarding the fees, the final value fee will only work once you have the final sail price at the sale. That is done so that a user won't be charged unless they sell. If you want to charge regardless of whether they sell or not, then you need the insertion fee with a percentage.

Hope that makes sense. :)
This last option makes the most sense if you are caching the templates in some way. Is that the case? Have you got vBOptimised or something similar installed?

Regarding the fees, the final value fee will only work once you have the final sail price at the sale. That is done so that a user won't be charged unless they sell. If you want to charge regardless of whether they sell or not, then you need the insertion fee with a percentage.

Yes, sure I have overwrite the new xml. Before we had the Lite version online. But the same problem here. We have no cache or vBOptimised or something similar installed. But that is not the main problem now.

The most important thing for me is now, that the users that have sales, can easily pay for their fees. So it would be good to build-in a PM notify also for the fees. Maybe it would be good to send every user a PM with all of the fees that they have to pay in a sum.
Another question: How can an admin see which users have not paid the fees?

Yes - but I think the final value fee and the percentage-fee do not work both together - could that be the problem?
Yes, sure I have overwrite the new xml. Before we had the Lite version online. But the same problem here. We have no cache or vBOptimised or something similar installed. But that is not the main problem now.

The most important thing for me is now, that the users that have sales, can easily pay for their fees. So it would be good to build-in a PM notify also for the fees. Maybe it would be good to send every user a PM with all of the fees that they have to pay in a sum.
Another question: How can an admin see which users have not paid the fees?

Yes - but I think the final value fee and the percentage-fee do not work both together - could that be the problem?

I'll look into if there is an issue, but they were designed to work together. The PM I'll work on. :)
Well, after a lot of digging around I think I found the issue. I've got this fixed and working on my dev version now. I'll put a patch out next week that will resolve this issue. :)
Hello muffel,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Fixed.

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