Advanced Post Thanks / Like v1.0 Released!

Fillip H.

Staff member
Dragonbyte Technologies is happy to announce the release of our latest mod, Advanced Post Thanks / Like.

This mod was created at the request of the community, and a lot of the features come from there as well. We've taken the classical idea and put our own spin on it, trying to make it as functional and feature rich as possible, while still maintaining a simplistic interface.

What it is: Advanced Thanks/Like mod is designed to cut down on spam and increase useful content in your forum by using a peer encouragement system - users thank/like each others posts, which can give them access to attachments, post content etc, as well as encourage the thanked person to post more great content.

Click here for full feature list and release notes.

We hope you enjoy it! :)
wow, this is what ive been looking for but ive got a few suggestions, why dont u place the "thank for this post"---"like this post"---"dislike this post" as buttons beside "report post" icon..just like the "post thank you hack"..and hides the whole "Post Thanks/Like" before someone thanked or liked it...because it just adds more gap to each post if its this way...
I like it, especially how it says your name and x others thanked.

Nice mod, will be getting it soon.

Only downside is in postbit_legacy it is friggin' huge!, Any way to see this on regular postbit vs legacy?
The forums for Lite and Pro versions of this mod has been opened, sorry for forgetting last night :( In my defence, it was 5am xD

To answer the questions; the Lite version offers a fully admin-configurable postbit (you can disable any postbit item individually) and the Pro version gives this power to users as well (within the confines of what the admin configured, that is) :)
I think it's good a "karma box" in the profile with mentions/thanks/likes/tagged etc.

Good the "like feature" but it's better if his like facebook (whick i click "Like Maximilian and 1 others liked this post" it's better if it's open a pop-up box).
I have an another suggestion for this wonderfoul mod (when i buy a new vb license e i surely buy it!): it can be used to replace the default vb reputation system -> like a post ->+1 to reputation system (the reputation system in vb is very ugly if i comparate it with the reputation system of ipb).
I have an another suggestion for this wonderfoul mod (when i buy a new vb license e i surely buy it!): it can be used to replace the default vb reputation system -> like a post ->+1 to reputation system (the reputation system in vb is very ugly if i comparate it with the reputation system of ipb).

You can disable vBulletins reputation system if you like, and just use this one :)
You can disable vBulletins reputation system if you like, and just use this one :)

Yes my idea is to create an alternative reputation system with you mods to calculate the "forum popularity" of a user, with an average vba activity level x (liked - unliked) x thanked= reputation level...i think this is a better system to check the "karma" of a user (it's only an example, you can add in the expression the mentioned/tagged to a more complete reputation level...).

I have an another suggestion: a user is a little confused for the difference to like and thanks, i think for the likes/unlikes it can be placed like in IPB
i think this mod was more old than 1 week :s (i think i have seen it before..on this forum..2 months ago).

what about a roadmap of this mod? im not sure to buy this mod until see what is going to come next :D
i think this mod was more old than 1 week :s (i think i have seen it before..on this forum..2 months ago).

what about a roadmap of this mod? im not sure to buy this mod until see what is going to come next :D

Nope, definetely not something thats been here before =)

^.^ Roadmaps isn't really something we do (In case people try to steal our features etc ;) )
All of our mods get updated on a regular schedule though =)
thanks =) (i would be crazy)

other question:
if i buy this mod with 1 Year of updates....then, how much is to expand the update time?
thanks =) (i would be crazy)

other question:
if i buy this mod with 1 Year of updates....then, how much is to expand the update time?

Can't really make any guarantees because it depends on 101 different things (New products, launching different sections of the sites, bringing on new coders, etc)

As a general rule though, we'd expect a smaller product (thanks, tagging etc) to be updated 2-3 times in the first year, and 1-2 times each year after that. Larger mods have a slightly different upgrade schedule (usually they'll get 1 month a year where they get 2-3 large updates in a month, and then 1 other smaller update later in the year)

Hope that clarifies
it is because i want to buy the mod and 1 year of updates, (but i dont have now the other 15 dollars i need for lifetime updates!!) :S

do i have option to pay the 15 dollars next month? i wish it =(

pd: you should offer a special offer of thanks mod and vbactivity...
We'll be offering more vBActivity bundles at the end of the month (as the price will likely be rising)

There will be options to extend your license or upgrade it, but they will cost a little more than just the different price.