
  1. D

    Bug bugs etc after professional install

    The first problem is that some of the VBSEO URLs are now says- Wrong redirect, I need to rename th forum name to work, also I'am loosing the traffic, due the forum are indexed, this URLs. Next is VBSEO Likes are missed. No one said it will bw missed. The ordered brandfree versions of your...
  2. N

    Bug Social Group URL Problem

    Hello Fillip, when i call a Social Group URL directly with this URL group.php?groupid=1 DBSEO makes a Redirect to a Poll with the same ID. Please fix it! Kindly Regards Stefan
  3. J

    Question vBTubePRO stops working with SEO active

    Hi, Hope you can help me out with this. I have vBTubePRO running in my forum and all works great to i enable DB SEO and just the main page will be displayed on Vtube, all other links redirect me to my forum home page. I think it is due to vBTubePRO ReWriteRule as follows # vBTube...
  4. N

    Question Original vB Friendly URL to DBSEO

    Hello, at the moment we use the Original vBulletin Friendly URL's. What is the Best Way to go to DBSEO? Make DBSEO a automatic 301 Rewrite for the old vBulletin Friendly URL Structure? Thank you!
  5. ibinamaster

    Question Double 301 Redirect after switching from vbulletin seo

    Before installing db seo I used the build-in vbulletin seo-features and of course a lot of these urls were indexed from google. Now I have installed db seo. When a user or google bot enters the old url he gets redirected to the new url. The problem is that he gets redirected twice: The first...
  6. I

    Question External links tracking redirect-to?

    Recent install of DBSEO. Under dbseo cp -> SEO Settings -> Google Analytics Settings we have Google analytics enabled and settings are configured to track external links, with External Link Clicks Format as /forums/outgoing/ ... however, on the forum, the external links are formatted as...
  7. J

    Bug Inline Moderation Authentication loop

    Deleting post via dropdown inline moderation menu with "Inline Moderation Authentication" active causing verification loop. How to reproduce: 1] AdminCP -> Settings -> Option -> General Settings -> Enable "Enable Inline Moderation Authentication" 2] Create thread as user AAA and post one...
  8. O

    Question Error Warning Question

    This may seem like a weird question, but I was wondering if it were possible to remove the error message given when links are turned off in PMs. I wanted the PM to still go through as if the PM wasn't blocked from being sent (when in actuality, it was), complete with the user being redirected...
  9. M

    Question Help with Dragonbyte SEO and another Product

    Hi Fillip H., First off I wanted to say I know this is not your products error or bug, more of a can you help please post. I installed the product Cerberus from ( Forum - View Single Post - CERBERUS: 1 vB4: runs multiple domains with custom styles, forums, universal...
  10. Nirjonadda

    Question CometChat issue with Redirect Rules

    CometChat Mobile App login issue with DBSEO Redirect Rules .we need to add than login working. Why not work without adding /cometchat ? How to working without add /cometchat ? Also member/user does not know what he need to adding for login, User going to...
  11. N

    Bug Still concerned, URL's have changed in 1.0.10

    Morning, After the disastrous update to 1.0.9 which resulted in /a/a for all our forum URL's I held off and downgraded back to 1.0.6 which was stable for us. Seeing 1.0.10 come out and fix the bug looked promising so I went and updated. However we then found a lot of URL's still changed...
  12. Mental

    Question Excluded Pages not working?

    Hi Right, I'm trying to incorporate a jquery rss ticker and since it doesn't allow cross domain requests i need for it to skip the redirect so it can access via domain/forum/file/file.php instead of When i insert test.txt into the Excluded Pages box it still...
  13. R

    Bug Stuck at loading and messages are reflecting back!!!

    This is a newly installed forum and has no plugins. The shoutbox is stuck at loading and when a message is entered, it disappears from the text box and appears again in the text box!!!! What could be the problem?
  14. M

    Bug Rewrite that worked with vSBEO not working now

    Why is this url Invalid Page! - Math Help Boards | Free Math Help matching with this rule '^view\.php\?pg=potw$'=>'potw/'? It didn't do this with vbSEO but now is running through this script for some reason.
  15. N

    Question URL's not working after intall / 500 ISE after .htaccess

    Just ordered and installed your software, everything seemed good. URL's on the forum got changed, but all of them would lead to a 404 Error. I figured maybe my root .htaccess was to blame, so I edited the .htaccess in my /forum/ directory to match what was in the readme, all that did was give...
  16. G

    Question Problem with DBSEO Redirect - Forum URL's loading 404

    I'm a pro customer but can't seem to access pro forum. Switched from VBSEO to DBSEO on 4.2.2. Thread URL's are fine. SOME Forum URL's are not loading, instead they redirect to homepage to throw 404 depending on which setting I opt for. I found changing the name of the forum, then clearing...
  17. B

    Bug Instead of clickable links, I get [post-xxxx]...text...[/post]

    Hi, After sucessfully installing this add-on, when someone gets mentioned or quoted, it shows up in the profile section, but the post tag isnt parsed. It looks like this: 12:10 AM - KAREAMEL mentioned ronnie|A in post [ post=30266811]lets @ eachother to test out the new tagging feature..[/post...
  18. H

    Question Duplicate content?

    I don't know if I have made a mistake with the config, or if is anything missing, but I reckon I am having a problem with this: Claves Para Que Nuestros Animales Estén Sanos Claves Para Que Nuestros Animales Estén Sanos Claves Para Que Nuestros Animales Estén Sanos Claves Para Que Nuestros...
  19. D

    Bug SOme Home page forum URLS dont work after update

    HI, After running the latest update with VBSEO 6 out 40 of the boards on my forum the links do not work... they just redirect back to the home page.... If you roll your mouse over them the URL is right but it redirects to the home page.... I have wondered why certain parts of the forum are...
  20. heyzeus909

    Question URLs Not Working After Enabling Mod

    Hello Fillip H., Files uploaded, product installed - all went fine. After enabling and going through the settings, I noticed that the URLs on the forum homepage no longer worked: Not Found The requested URL /forum/food/101305-nutra-bullet-post126987.html was not found on this server...