
  1. LEE2oo

    Question White Page

    I have a problem on the "Thank for this post" & "Like this Post" buttons on my Forum Posts. I have disabled the "Dislike this Post". When I press on any of the two buttons under any post, sometimes not always, when the Like system loads its brings up a blank white Page. Could you advise me how...
  2. Nirjonadda

    Bug After Every Post

    Show Thread: After Every Post does not get working, Its does not show Social Sharing buttons.
  3. Zuker

    Bug Disable Button's Postbit Stats on admincp

    On usercp, the setting "Disable Button's Postbox Stats" shows up even i've got this disabled in admincp
  4. I

    Bug Manage Buttons Error

    After installing Advanced Post Thanks / Like, in admincp I go to DBTech - Post Thanks -> Manage Buttons and get the following error: Invalid Button: 0 Any ideas? Here's a screenshot:
  5. P

    Bug Buttons not appearing

    Hi there, I've installed the plugin, and it's all there, I can see the plugin in the ACP, along with the settings etc, and I can see the little statistic dropdown box in users' mini-profiles beside their posts in threads, but I can't see the actual Like/Dislike buttons underneath the posts...
  6. Philip J Ludlam

    Legacy Social Sharing buttons for CMS

    Hi, I notice there's Social Sharing buttons for the forum and blog, but not the CMS. It would be great if you could add Social Sharing buttons to the CMS for dbSEO. Thanks.
  7. O

    Question Turn off notification of own thanks / likes

    When you click like / thanks on a thread the growler notification shows that you have a new thank / like but it is just your own. Is there any way we can disable the notification system from showing thanks and likes that we have given to other people?
  8. D

    Question Professional install

    As I mentioned before, I need all the previous Vbseo likes to be merged with product. Also I can't see the like buttons at the threads and posts. Can you help with that?
  9. O

    Legacy Advanced Post Thanks / Like Pro - HIDE code - Require Thanks to see content - New thr

    Hello, I have bought MOD "Advanced Post Thanks - Like v3.2.7 Pro LIFETIME" and installed it on my forum. This MOD is really sophisticated, I have to say. As English is not my mother language, it took me a while to go through the settings, but this is not a disadvantage of the MOD, of course. It...
  10. D

    Bug New Install, Seemed all went normal and well BUT No Thanks, Like, Dislike Buttons

    I bought a couple of your add-ins and when I finished installing the first one "Advanced Posts Thanks/Likes" (I did every step of the install except I am running 4.2.2 and did not do the step 4 "Optional File Edit". In any case I believe it to have been installed correctly but I am not seeing...
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug Required Thanks and Likes

    If Required Thanks and Likes see content with Button Exclusivity, Hide content does not unhide if Thanks the post, Its still show me Required like the post see content when Likes Button Exclusivity. Why not if Button Exclusivity Thanks/Likes see hide content?
  12. Z

    Legacy add next and previous buttons

    Hello I would like to add the following buttons and precedant high dan presentation images. in dbtech_gallery_home <div id="gallery_nav_buttons"> {vb: raw nav_buttons} </ div> just before <div class="tr"> <div class="td blockrow" style="vertical-align: top; width: 100%;"> <div...
  13. P

    Question Documentation broken!

    Hi, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of this paid, pro version. I'm fairly disheartened to see the documentation is broken! The documentation.html that came in the .zip file is all sorts of broken. The installation steps have no details, the steps just have the same thing as...
  14. Drahnier

    Bug Buttons Not Working after Move - PHP Version Issue? (vB 4.2.2)

    This isn't really a bug, but was the best of the category options available. Sorry! I recently moved my site over to a new host and installed upgraded versions of all the server software. One of these upgrades was moving the PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5, which is not officially supported by vB...
  15. Eden

    Bug Impossible to update buttons (The : 'thanksgiven' already exists.) they don't appear.

    Hello, I downloaded and installed Advanced Post Thanks / Like, and get the following problem : When I manage button and try to modify each of them, I get the following message : I can't see any button image on my forum because of this issue. I can't make any update. Is it possible to modify...
  16. D

    Question Installed fine - no default buttons in CP or showing in posts

    We have a large board that we just upgraded to 4.2.2 and PHP 5.4.26. We had to get rid of VBseo since it wasn't working with the new version of PHP. We bought the Advanced Like/Thanks system and installation went smoothly, including importing likes from the VBseo system, but when we open the...
  17. F

    Bug Hidden attachment and thanks/likes count getting reset.

    Hello, I am sorry if this already been questioned and answered I have been investigating this issue for some time after upgrade from lite version to pro version but haven't been able to fix it myself. As you can see from this image... The hidden attachment has been reset. You don't see the...
  18. Alan_SP

    Bug No notifications after clicking on a button

    As I reported, I had two problems, one with no info about all buttons in profile (which is solved for me with latest fix), and second that I don't have notifications. I use vBnotifications pro, other notifications work (PMs, mentions...), so I assume that it's problem with APTL. I had a...
  19. webi

    Bug Likes on Profile Page and Posts

    The same problem also on my forum (http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f52/likes-profile-page-dissappear-14465/). Could it be solved by the maintenance function. Furthermore, since the update will not always display all user names in the posts who have thanked.
  20. heyzeus909

    Bug Social Sharing - 'Show Thread: After First Post'

    DragonByte SEO CP > Social Sharing Settings > Page Settings > Show Thread: After First Post > *set to 'Horizontal (with button count)* Rather than produce the selected social sharing buttons after the first post, it produces them after every post. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?