
  1. mrderanged

    2 Questions regarding reviews and gallery

    Hey Guys, Just had 2 quick questions about a couple of your products. 1. Are there any kind of importers available for your Gallery Addon? Specifically an importer vBGallery. 2. My site currenly has a review forum where either myself or a user create one thread per seller with all...
  2. bzcomputers

    Question Beta8: Question on how URL rewrite history works

    Being that the URL rewrite history is handled in the background without any user settings (from what I can tell), what happens when I spend a couple hours setting up DBSEO initially to get the settings the way I want? This may happen on initial install of DBSEO or the install of another DBSEO...
  3. XGC Paravain

    Question Uploading Addon Quadripeds

    Ok quick uploading question I got the Quadripeds addon and there is no read me file I am assuming I upload the dbtech folder that's in the upload folder to my root then import the XML file adminCP/Plugins & Products/Manage Products/Import Product?
  4. XGC Paravain

    Question Missing Monsters

    When I click on Forumon RPG im getting a message, "There's no selectable monsters for your starter monster. Please contact an RPG Administrator. Go Back." And when I go into the Forumon RPG AdminCP and click on manage enemies, and manage monsters I am getting a message, Missing Required...
  5. XGC Paravain

    Question Monsters And Species set up

    I purchased the Forumon RPG Pro and was thinking it would be all set up with a import like the vBActivity Pro had the import file, but I dont see a import file in the vB Forumon RPG Pro and no monsters or maybe I just don't know what I am doing I am new to it I have never even seen Forumon RPG...
  6. bzcomputers

    Bug beta 5 - Google Analytics increased pageviews

    After turning on beta5 and letting it run I have noticed a spike in reported pageviews on Google Analytics. I have been running Google Analytics for a couple years on the site and am very familiar with the expected pageview count and trends for the site and something is definitely off. I run...
  7. S

    interested in Chat/Shout

    I am interested in purchasing your Chat/Shout but I need to know a few things before I purchase: Do you do installations? Can your shout fit in a side block? (Not a must, may not go that way.) Is it compatible with VBulletin 4.22?
  8. LEE2oo

    Custom Work Question

    I recently sent an email for custom work to be carried out on Saturday 16th Nov. One of the staff members told me it didn't arrive so I just sent another if someone can confirm they received it. Thanks and Regards
  9. GoodApples

    Bug BF Key downloading Issue

    Hey I not sure if this should be site support or here [AddOn] Branding Free: DragonByte Classifieds Key message when downloading Invalid User Licence :confused:
  10. V


    Hello. I installed the free version to test to see if it has the same amount of visitors google analytics + vBSEO. I have already discussed my problem with vBSEO here: vbanalytics and dbseo But not working vbanalytics. Not counting visitors for an hour. Nor is downloading any cookie, right...
  11. S

    Legacy Awarding virtual credits

    Hello Our forum uses a virtual cash system like VBcredits. When a member makes a donation, we manually add $500 currency for each £1 donated to their user profile. Will it be possible to make this an addon to this vbDonate please for automatic
  12. Clarice

    Bug 'Always use Forum URL as Base Path' causes errors on load

    Worth noting that we're running the pro version, I'm just not the site owner and as such don't have paid-section account access here. This is an issue I started to notice yesterday after installing vBSSO, and I'm pretty sure it has to do with needing to turn on an option in vB's settings called...
  13. X

    can not download apps already purchased

    hi .... i had posted earlier regarding the vb upgrade.... i thought with the changes that Fillip H. made two weeks ago we would be good to go but it seem that the changes are not compatible with the 4.2.2.... that being said.... i still show that the purchases are awaiting email...
  14. M

    keeps the session alive

    as long as a user has thier browser window open in XF, there is a java script that runs periodically to update alerts and other messages that come on screen. That keeps the session alive with XF Is anything like this possible for VB? keeps the session alive
  15. A

    New SEO addon (Un-released)

    I am working on a company project that involves a vbulletin forum, but unfortunately due to the poor default link seo architecture of the 4.2 software i cant start on it. Question 1 Estimated lead time for the release of the Dragonbyte Tech SEO addon? Question 2 Will there be meta titles...
  16. webi

    Bug Error in Apache Log

    Following entry in the Apache logfile we find activated vBSuper PM and the attempt to call the archive/index.php and the page stays white. Once the addon is disabled, the archive/index.php be called without problems. [error] [client x.x.x.x] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function...
  17. H

    Question Pre Sale Question / Usergroups

    Scenario: I have all new registered members go into a limited usergroup by default. I would like to setup a quiz with certain community and technical based questions to move them out of that usergroup into another one, automatically. Does this addon offer that ability to basically move a person...
  18. S

    Question VBSlider Number license imput problem

    Hi I have pourchased today a VbSlider licence I have complete all the forms before download it. I have upload an re installed xms product I put in the form : "Branding Free Key If you have purchased a Branding Free licence, you may enter the key found in its Readme file here." my license...
  19. E

    Question databaseerror

    hello, i have install the light version, bevor will buy this addon. after install, system running 4 days, then becam databaseerror in the night: Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 4.2.1: Invalid SQL: SELECT languageid...
  20. S

    Bug Missing DL-Link in Client Area!

    Hello, I miss the download link of the game in my client area. I have only the Forumon_RPG _AddOn_Quadripeds one. Many Thanks! sven