vBSuper PM's v1.1.1 HotFixed. Pro Version Only!


Former Developer
This is a HotFix that applies to Pro users only.

Fixed two issues.
A issue where users could not see a attachment they were sent in a PM, if they were not allowed to upload attachments.
A issue with a missing plugin. Now you will now able to see the attachment in the PM if you preview it, before sending.

To apply the fix, redownload the product from your Customer Area , upload the new files to your server, then re import the XML.

This also includes the patch that was done yesterday.
There has been a patch in the Pro version that now only superadministrators can view the private message content in the PM Log.

Sorry for the problems, but they did not get found during the beta period for some reason. Thanks once again for your continued support. :)

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