vBDonate 1.1.3 Released!


Former Developer
Here is another update to the mod, has solved a few small bugs, and added some additional features. As always, thank you for the support! :D

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: The pm to staff after someone donated had the wrong link in it to the donations list. (hotfixed on the 16th of June)
Fixed: If someone just typed in their browser, yoursite.com/vbdonate.php it would bring up a error, "Fatal error: Call to undefined function print_cp_message() in /home/xxxxx/public_html/vbdonate.php on line 105" it wil now give them a invalid action popup with a go back link. (hotfixed on the 16th of June)
Fixed: A issue with the donate images on the donate page having the sizes hard coded.
Fixed: Added the Sideblock & Postbit settings ACP links to the dropdown menu found in the contribution goal meter dropdown.
Fixed: A issue where if a user was not allowed to view the Contributor List, they were not allowed to view their own list, they now can view their list no matter what.
Fixed: A issue with postbit, if you had the option to display on first post only, and the info was in the postbit control area, it would not show at all.

Changes To Existing Features:
Removed: The 15 character hard coded limit in the sideblock usernames.
Removed: The hard coded fieldset border attributes in the postbit.
Changed: Quite a bit in the templates to make the mod flow better with styles.
Added: Ability to have edit icons next to some block elements, when you click on the icon, it takes you to the appropriate settings in the ACP. Only viewable by vBDonate admins.
Changed: If you select to show the postbit info above or below signatures, it now will not span across the entire post, it will be similar in size as when it is displayed in the actual postbit area like User Info Right After Posts.

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Added: A setting to control the character limit for usernames in the sideblocks.
Added: A option to display a welcome message with the users current time and date below the goal meter.
Added: A setting to enter the directory of your admincp.
Added: A option to turn off the edit icons next to some block elements.
Added: A option to show the donate postbit info on different usergroups postbit, so you can select it to only show on Admin postbit, or any usergroups you have. (Pro)
Added: A option to show the donate postbit info on a specific user. (Pro)
Added: Start and Stop buttons to the marquee that users can click on to start/stop the scrolling.
Added: A option to show the start/stop buttons, or not show them.
Added: A stylevar to control the border attributes around the fieldset in the postbit block.
Added: A stylevar to control the color of the legend text in the postbit, as vB had this hard coded to black.

Discuss this news here.