vBAnalytics v1.0.4 Released!


Former Developer

Didn't expect anymore bugs with the release on 1.0.3, but the folks at vB.org shows me how very wrong I was. So after a bit of confusion and head-scratching, I've fixed those bugs and even made the analytics tracking system a bit more accurate at the same time.

1.0.4 release should be handled as every other release, download and upload the files and import with overwrite the product xml file.

For those of you who like to know what files exactly were changed:
  • dbtech/vbanalytics/hooks/global_start.php
  • dbtech/vbanalytics/hooks/global_complete.php
  • dbtech/vbanalytics/hooks/forumdisplay_start.php
  • dbtech/vbanalytics/hooks/showthread_start.php
  • dbtech/vbanalytics/cron/sessions.php

vBAnalytics 1.0.4:
  • Fix: Certain third-party AJAX based add-ons would show a PHP warning.
  • Fix: Rare database error that would be caused sometimes due to sessionhash conflicts.
  • Fix: A few template typos in: dbtech_vbanalytics_results
  • Change: Reworked session tracking into a manner that follows a session even if they log-out then log-in, etc.

In addition, vBAnalytics has a lite version available for download since mid-week this week. You may find the download here.

Thanks to all who reported these bugs and have vBAnalytics installed on their site! :)

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