vBAnalytics Gold Released!


Former Developer
Hello :)

After a very quiet beta period we are proud to release vBAnalytics 1.0.3 Gold! Please note a lite version has not been released yet contrary to past news.

The following changes have been made from v1.0.0 to v1.0.3:

Fixed: Change Session tracker so that it tracks logs (ACP)
Fixed: Compared days not showing right data on graph when using same dates as the first days.
Fixed: What's New, Today's Post, etc., searches showing up as empty search terms.
Fixed: Pages overview drop-down list not populating.
Changed: Redesigned overview page layout.
Changed: Decreased width of forum selector in "In-Depth Forum Analytics" by 20px to accomodate lower screen resolutions.
Added: Forums overview drop-down now uses user permissions to determine whether to show a forum in the drop down.
Added: Ajax functionality on overview page. Allows AJAX-enabled browsers to submit the form which updates the graph and results without reloading the page.
Added: Total Forum and Total Page tracking. Aggregates results of all forums / pages when tracking data.
Fixed: Navbar Tab not showing in CMS
Fixed: Potential for overwriting tracking data by running scheduled task manually.
Changed: Database structures of tables: dbtech_vbanalytics_tracking, dbtech_vbanalytics_tracking_forums, dbtech_vbanalytics_tracking_scripts
Fixed: Scheduled Tasks would not show up in the logs.
Fixed: Some template errors in dbtech_vbanalytics_results
Changed: Default overview page will not show today's data as it will always be empty.
Added: Options to set the default amount of days to go back in the overview page.
Added: Total Forum and Total Page tracking. Aggregates results of all forums / pages when tracking data.

View the product listing for screenshots.
vBAnalytics - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons

Thank you for the continued support and suggestions.

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