vBAnalytics 1.1.3 Gold


Former Developer
vBAnalytics 1.1.3 has been released. This release focuses on fixing bugs and changes to the analytics tracking nature to improve accuracy. This product is now in gold stages. A lite version will be released shortly.

Change: Link clicked data for each search is now populated with the first link clicked from a search instead of the last. In other words, if a user clicks on multiple links from a search results page the first one will be recorded instead of being overwritten by subsequent clicks.
Change: Removed unnecessary query in search_complete hook. This query did nothing and was nothing more than leftover legacy code.
Change: Default overview now includes current day instead of ending at yesterday. Reasoning is the addition of hourly tracking enables current day to have information.
Change: Overview titles & breadcrumbs made more consistent with one another.
Fix: Overview pages are now 100% W3C compliant (at least our code is).
Fix: Rare instance where a user landing on a page without a this_script value would not have their first activity tracked resulting in a their total time being extremely large.
Fix: How averages are calculated. Averages use to be calculated on a per-day (or per-hour) instance then added each time. This didn't really provide accurate averages. It's been changed to take the total time divided by the total visits for the entire time period.
Fix: Users without canview permissions were still able to view the page. Previously, only the navbar link would be hidden but direct url access would allow access.
Fix: Hardcoded text inside search_complete hook would prevent users who changed the "key_words" phrase ($vbphrase['key_words']) from having searches tracked.

The package is available for download. Thanks for your support.

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