User Threads v1.0.0 (Beta) Released


Former Developer
Hey to everyone,

DragonByte Tech is proud to present its latest product, User Threads v1.0.0! It is available as a Beta version here: User Threads (Beta) Pro - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons.

User Threads is about allowing thread creators to act as moderators for their own threads. The permissions system allows for a great deal of versatility in usergroup and forum combinations.

This is my first mod for DragonByte Tech, and will welcome any and all feedback to help it through its beta process. This includes any suggestions and ideas on it's feel and design. Feel free to test the features of the mod in this forum.

Major Features
User Self Moderation on a per usergroup and per forum basis. Users can be banned from using certain features individually.

Moderator Actions include Editing, Deleting (only soft deleting), Stickying, as well as allowing a user or usergroup to have immunity from such moderator actions.

Complete Feature List
  • Front-End
    • Users can moderate own threads
    • AJAX editing
    • Phrased editing reason suffix
  • AdminCP
    • Per usergroup and per forum permissions
      • Edit
      • Delete (Soft Delete Only)
      • Sticky
      • Immunity from users with Edit or Delete permissions
    • Per user permissions
      • Can't Edit
      • Can't Delete
      • Can't Sticky
      • Immunity from users with Edit or Delete permissions

Thanks for your continued support :)

Discuss this news here.