Legacy Total download by members of a group

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I think I understand the problem to topic : http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f80/member-can-not-download-16115/
may be it is me who misinterpreted the permissions.

In usergroup eg member
the options of the group, the line:

Downloads Per Day Please enter the maximum Amount of files users of this usergroup are allowed to download per day. Enter 0 for unlimited.

I just realized that this is the whole group, which has a limit of x download per day and it is not registered.

Example: If I put 3 in the box
and MisterX, MisterY and MisterZ are in this group

if MisterX take three downloads at 00h01, MisterY and MisterZ have none for 24 hours.

With this setting MisterX + MisterY + MisterZ = 3 downloads for 24 hours


the idea is to add a line configuration member in this group.

Example, if in the box in the last row is added 3

MisterX, MisterY and MisterZ have all three right has 3 download day

It's more fair for everyone.

MisterX = 3 downloads for 24 hours
MisterY = 3 downloads for 24 hours
MisterZ = 3 downloads for 24 hours

I hope to be clear because it is not easy to explain
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No, that is not how this works. Each user has their own limits. If a user is a member of two usergroups, one with a limit of 0 and one with a limit of 1, their limit will be 1 even though 0 is meant to be unlimited.

To work around this, use 65535 instead of 0 to indicate unlimited. It's highly unlikely any one member will achieve that amount of downloads, so it effectively works as unlimited otherwise would.
So if I understand

if a user group 0 (infinite)
another group 2
another group 5

and a person is in these three groups, the highest prevails
so 5
To remedy to this problem if you put 500 (to infinity)
if the person is still in the same three groups, it has the highest amount of assigned => or 500 downloads

is that correct?
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