Bug Slow Query

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I am getting Slow Query log.

Error Info
XenForo_Exception: Slow Query: 6.4358 seconds, /members/prinanad.19/ - library/DBTech/Optimise/XenForo/EventListener/FrontController.php:221
Generated By: Unknown Account, 29 minutes ago
Stack Trace

SELECT xf_node.node_id, xf_node.title, COUNT(post_id) AS post_count
FROM xf_post
JOIN xf_thread ON xf_post.thread_id = xf_thread.thread_id
JOIN xf_node ON xf_thread.node_id = xf_node.node_id
WHERE xf_post.user_id = ? AND
xf_post.message_state = 'visible' AND
xf_thread.discussion_state ='visible' AND
xf_node.node_type_id = 'Forum'
GROUP BY xf_node.title
ORDER BY post_count DESC

Request State

array(3) {
["url"] => string(47) "/members/prinanad.19/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Error Info
XenForo_Exception: Slow Query: 5.7197 seconds, /search/search?_xfToken=&date=&keywords=DB&users= - library/DBTech/Optimise/XenForo/EventListener/FrontController.php:221
Generated By: Unknown Account, 17 minutes ago
Stack Trace

thread.*, thread.user_id AS thread_user_id, thread.username AS thread_username,
thread.post_date AS thread_post_date,
post.user_id, post.username, post.post_date,
node.title AS node_title, node.node_name,
user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, post.username, user.username) AS username,
permission.cache_value AS node_permission_cache, bank1.points AS shop_1_bank, shop_pointstable_1.dbtech_shop_points AS shop_1, bank2.points AS shop_2_bank, shop_pointstable_2.dbtech_credits_credits AS shop_2, credits_pointstable_1.dbtech_credits_credits AS credits_1, country.country_id, country.name as country_name, country.short_name as country_short_name,
apppromotions.posid AS posid, link_cache.serialized_links AS link_info
FROM xf_post AS post
INNER JOIN xf_thread AS thread ON
(thread.thread_id = post.thread_id)
INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON
(node.node_id = thread.node_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
(user.user_id = post.user_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_permission_cache_content AS permission
ON (permission.permission_combination_id = 1
AND permission.content_type = 'node'
AND permission.content_id = thread.node_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_dbtech_shop_bank AS bank1 ON
(bank1.userid = post.user_id AND bank1.currencyid = 1)
LEFT JOIN xf_user AS shop_pointstable_1 ON
(shop_pointstable_1.user_id = post.user_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_dbtech_shop_bank AS bank2 ON
(bank2.userid = post.user_id AND bank2.currencyid = 2)
LEFT JOIN xf_user AS shop_pointstable_2 ON
(shop_pointstable_2.user_id = post.user_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_user AS credits_pointstable_1 ON
(credits_pointstable_1.user_id = post.user_id)
LEFT JOIN xfa_map_location AS location ON
(user.user_id = location.user_id)
LEFT JOIN xfa_map_country AS country ON
(location.country_id = country.country_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_snog_applications_promotions AS apppromotions
ON (apppromotions.post_id = post.post_id)
LEFT JOIN allm_link_cache AS link_cache ON
(link_cache.content_id = post.post_id AND link_cache.content_type='post')

WHERE post.post_id IN (1630971, 1631856, 331955, 755400, 242546, 721931, 729647, 1221690, 1658353, 33246, 1150902, 1150812, 1515481, 1468979, 1505571, 1505276, 280227, 1497437, 1473348, 1525662, 1481904, 1476603, 1650079, 1509287, 1501693, 1569706, 1519720, 1501690, 1481185, 1535573, 1527253, 1564279, 1521926, 1481841, 1475982, 1653699, 1631876, 1613847, 1599402, 1507153, 1655866, 1648187, 1647356, 1598605, 1581170, 1567711, 1527248, 1491157, 1483099, 91338, 1655480, 1651945, 1649739, 1524323, 1655156, 1647970, 1634086, 1527604, 1520157, 1518811, 1483098, 1652842, 1647619, 1613848, 1581169, 1485846, 1483100, 33251, 1483589, 1517348, 1648639, 1645642, 1579853, 1652763, 1626225, 1575718, 1658387, 1641075, 1576822, 1566882, 1564721, 1290669, 720071, 1639759, 1637346, 1635945, 1632998, 1579852, 1576824, 1565370, 1652775, 1652747, 1648700, 1575719, 1543751, 1630021, 1650717, 1639814, 1629907, 1653441, 1643065, 1640466, 1473384, 1648754, 1530660, 1632820, 1629849, 1652784, 1649507, 1636239, 1628171, 1421248, 1652415, 1652398, 1645135, 1637823, 1648721, 1645210, 1640867, 1318639, 1654891, 1643957, 1635852, 1633153, 1379919, 1268085, 1653445, 1653580, 1648978, 1653364, 1651240, 1645029, 1327159, 1068543, 1653363, 1648638, 1636235, 1633691, 1193454, 1648738, 1645857, 1638145, 1396854, 1318640, 1648739, 1647152, 1646560, 1645039, 1633917, 1627044, 1248016, 1649006, 1636045, 1611593, 1645028, 1648963, 1643067, 132155, 1632783, 133325)

Request State

array(3) {
["url"] => string(75) "/search/search?_xfToken=&date=&keywords=DB&users="
["_GET"] => array(4) {
["_xfToken"] => string(0) ""
["date"] => string(0) ""
["keywords"] => string(2) "DB"
["users"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Can you please elaborate why you believe this is a bug in DB Optimise?

If you want to disable the slow query log, you can do so via the options. Otherwise, please understand that DB Optimise does not add any queries, so this query is not generated by DB Optimise. Please do not report slow queries as bugs in this product.
Can you please elaborate why you believe this is a bug in DB Optimise?

If you want to disable the slow query log, you can do so via the options. Otherwise, please understand that DB Optimise does not add any queries, so this query is not generated by DB Optimise. Please do not report slow queries as bugs in this product.

Then does its from shop and credits add-on ?
It may be related to the amount of currencies you have created, but it's still not a bug :)
Hello Nirjonadda,

This ticket has now been closed with the status Not A Bug.

We hope your issue or question has been addressed to your satisfaction. If not, please feel free to re-open it by clicking this link.

If you have any further issues or questions, please feel free to start a new support ticket via the button at the top of every page.

Thank you!
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Legacy DragonByte Optimise

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