Question Question before upgrading to vB 5

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I plan to upgrade my vBulletin 4 board to vBulletin 5. I don't want to lose the "likes" so, I want to make sure I do everything right. Do I have to do anything regarding this modification before I upgrade the vBulletin software or do I just upgrade the mod after the succesful upgrade of vBulletin?

Kind regards,
As far as I'm aware, upgrades should be working. I would strongly recommend you duplicate your database onto a test forum, perform the vB4 to vB5 upgrade, then use the Lite version of APTL for vB5 to test compatibility, before spending any money on the APTL upgrade.

That way, any problems can either be addressed or flagged as unsupported, and you have only spent time, not time and money :)
As far as I'm aware, upgrades should be working.

Unfortunately that's not the case. I just upgraded to vBulletin 5 and tried the whole thing. No data from the vBulletin 4 version of your mod is being displayed. Is there some workaround for this?

When I install vBulletin 5 all vBulletin 4 add-ons are removed as they are not compatible with vBulletin 5. Maybe the data will be kept if I install the vBulletin 5 mod on my vBulletin 4 installation before upgrading it to vBulletin 5?
You cannot install a vB5 modification on vB4.

Check the dbtech_thanks_entry table, does it have the contents still?
Check the dbtech_thanks_entry table, does it have the contents still?

Yes, it still contains more than 20.000 entries.

Don't upgrade to vb5 there is still to many problems with it

Nice that you share your opinion in vb5 with us. However I have a different opinion, which is why I did not respond to your initial answer. However I don't understand why you disliked my question. Are you such a renitent vb 5 hater that you have to dislike posts by people who want to make the switch? Have I done anything to hurt your feelings? Did I make a useless post? What the hell?
Yes, it still contains more than 20.000 entries.

Nice that you share your opinion in vb5 with us. However I have a different opinion, which is why I did not respond to your initial answer. However I don't understand why you disliked my question. Are you such a renitent vb 5 hater that you have to dislike posts by people who want to make the switch? Have I done anything to hurt your feelings? Did I make a useless post? What the hell?
Many have reported many problems with vb5 so many have gone back to vb4. But if you do decide to upgrade to vb5 then that is up to you.
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I was giving you the best advice

I haven't asked for any advice from you. I asked a question in a thread dedicated to a module by Dragonbyte Tech. My question is related to a problem with a mod and not with vB 5 in general. Your post was not only undemanded but also needless.

If I wanted feedback regarding vBulletin 5 I would have asked for that. But, as a matter of fact, I have already tried vBulletin 5 in a test installation, I have already successfully upgraded my board in a test installation, I like the new features of vBulletin 5, I want to keep my board up to date, and I always do backups before trying new software. Please do not advise people that did not ask for your advice just because you think you know better. This would make the internet a better place.
Yes, it still contains more than 20.000 entries.
Hmm... Do posts change IDs when you move from vB4 to vB5? Test this by opening a thread on both forums, and compare the post ID of the first post by mousing over the permalink.

If the IDs change, that would be why.
If the IDs change, that would be why.

Yes, the IDs change. Do you know how to prevent this from happening? I'd love to keep using your module.

Maybe this is relevent for you to answer my question: I'm using dbSEO with URL Rewrites and vbOptimise in my vBulletin 4 board.
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I contacted vBulletin in this matter: The fact that the post IDs change seems to be normal behaviour of the software. vBulletin has integrated a forwarding from the old URLs to the new ones. I guess that this forwarding data is not interpreted by your modification and therefore all 'DragonByte Likes' will be lost when upgrading from vBulletin 4 to vBulletin 5.

Force: Now your getting really childish. The best would be to dislike every post I ever made, or what? ... Awesome...
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Is there a way to reference the old content IDs? Try checking the node table, and see if there's any references to the old content IDs there. If there is, then we might be able to work something out.
I deleted the test database before reading your answer. I will upgrade the actual board in the night from Sunday to Monday. I will come back to you then and let you know where (they must be somewhere) I found the old IDs.
I would strongly recommend not upgrading the live board until this has been figured out, to minimise disruption to your live board. Failure to do so may result in all your thanks being lost.
I would strongly recommend not upgrading the live board until this has been figured out, to minimise disruption to your live board. Failure to do so may result in all your thanks being lost.

Before upgrading I always create a backup.

I have upgraded my board and found the table that contains the information. The table is called vb_thread_post.

It does contain three columns:

nodeid - threadid - postid

to give an example:

nodeid: 3078
threadid: 3175
postid: 37378

Old URL:
Old URL (created with dbSEO):
New URL:

As you can see the threadid is the old ID and nodeid is the new ID.
Okay here's what you can do

  1. Backup the dbtech_thanks_entry DB table
  2. Run
    ALTER TABLE dbtech_thanks_entry ADD oldcontentid INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
  3. Run
    UPDATE dbtech_thanks_entry SET oldcontentid = contentid
  4. Run
    UPDATE dbtech_thanks_entry AS entry SET contentid = (SELECT nodeid FROM vb_thread_post WHERE postid = entry.oldcontentid)

I actually don't know if the query listed in step 4 will actually work, but feel free to let me know. If it doesn't, I'll need you to give me Admin access with canrunqueries so I can create a working query.
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vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
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