Bug Looping Back To Forums

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That seems unlikely, as things don't randomly break. Check DBSEO to make sure the integration settings still appear, and try disabling all other products.
It sounds funny but I have not added anything to the site. The only thing I have done is updated your mods and the last one I updated was the DBSEO.
The integration settings still appear.
So when you said you didn't make any changes, something broke in one of the updates as I can't view your site as a guest now.

You'll need to make sure all files are uploaded, using an actual FTP program and not the cPanel file manager.
I just tried this link, https://www.archerandangler.com/forums/classifieds/ , in incognito in chrome and I get the following error;
Call to undefined method REGISTRATION::verify_redirect() on line 40 in /home/./archerandangler/forums/dbtech/registration_pro/hooks/global_complete.php
#0 /home/./archerandangler/forums/includes/functions.php(7263) : eval()'d code(2): require_once()
#1 /home/./archerandangler/forums/includes/functions.php(7263): eval()
#2 /home/./archerandangler/forums/forum.php(821): print_output(' #3 /home/./archerandangler/forums/dbseo.php(539): require('/home/canadian/...')
#4 {main}

Fatal User Error: Call to undefined method REGISTRATION::verify_redirect() on line 40 in ..../dbtech/registration_pro/hooks/global_complete.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
This was resolved by updating the paths to the DBSEO integration files to match the new format in v2.0 of DBSEO. I've also made this change in the release package.
Hello @CharlieDelta,

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If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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Legacy DragonByte Reviews

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