DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 7 Released!


Former Developer
Hi everyone,

Beta 7 brings a some bug fixes, but mainly expands the feedback system to allow for viewing a user's feedback history as well as a specific feedback that's been left along with comments (including the ability to post comments). I've included some screenshots at the foot of this thread to show these new features. Here are the list of changes and fixes:

I want to thanks the beta testers as well for their help getting some bugs identified and fixed. The current testers are: CharlieDelta, Mick, ozi, JaiKai, heyzeus909, Freekoid.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Incorrect spelling in several phrases
Fixed: MySQL Error when buying an item with no postage options
Fixed: PHP Error when saving stock adjustments under certain conditions
Fixed: Style padding issue with the width of the tabs on the View Listing page

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Adjusted phrase dbtech_classifieds_listing_unsold_3_message to be more understandable
Change: Adjusted phrase dbtech_classifieds_pm_listing_unsold_3_message to be more understandable

New Features:
Feature: Can view invoice/orders for bought items
Feature: Added links to view feedback for seller and buyer in the My Classifieds and My Listings pages when feedback has been left
Feature: Can now view feedback and comments for a won listing along with posting new comments
Feature: View a user's feedback history

Things Still In The Works:
Improved permissions controls
Expanding the Payment Processors
And many other tweaks and improvements

Discuss this news here.