DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 (Closed) Beta 6 Released!


Former Developer
Hi everyone,

Beta 6 brings a number of bug fixes, including on going compatibility with vBulletin 4.2.2, but also includes the Resolution Centre, an area where users can resolve issues and problems they have had with a transaction or purchase. I've included some screenshots at the foot of this thread to show the layout of the Resolution Centre. Here are the list of changes and fixes:

I want to thanks the beta testers as well for their help getting some bugs identified and fixed. The current testers are: CharlieDelta, Mick, ozi, JaiKai, heyzeus909, Freekoid.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Incorrect spelling in several phrases
Fixed: Incorrect url in some phrases
Fixed: Incorrect url for the first navbit option on most pages
Fixed: Added domain to the URL missing from some system PMs/Emails
Fixed: An issue where the avatar on the View Listing page would only ever be the user with ID#1
Fixed: Missing symbol/denomination for currencies on the My Listings page
Fixed: Margin issues when viewing a listing with an image on the main Classifieds listings page
Fixed: Alignment of Classifieds and Watched Items blocks, which are now more dynamic in size based on how many items are available
Fixed: Alignment of the columns on the main Classifieds listings page on some fixed width styles
Fixed: The quantity when on the payment page sometimes read 0 items
Fixed: Buying an item under some circumstances would through an error about valid addresses
Fixed: Corrected the name of the Resolution Centre in the vBulletin Navigation Manager

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Style of My Listings page has been made similar to the My Classifieds page

New Features:
Feature: Resolution Centre to create and manage issues with listings and transactions

Things Still In The Works:
Expanding the Payment Processors
And many other tweaks and improvements

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