DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 Beta 9 Released!


Former Developer
Hi everyone,

DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 Beta 9 arrives with over a dozen bug fixes, some changes and some new features. The changes have helped improve formatting and layout in some areas of the frontend of Classifieds as well as the feedback area of the Admin Control Panel.

Additionally we have worked on allowing for more customization of the blocks that display various listing combinations. The Watched Items and Classifieds Ads can now be placed in three locations, at the top of the main listings view page, at the bottom, or in the sidebar beneath the recent searches block. We have also introduced a new Featured Items block that displays the first 'x' Featured Listings, where 'x' can be customizable in the Admin Control Panel (as can the Watched Items and Classifieds Ads blocks). We have also added a new Sellers Other Items block on the View Listing page for a specific listing, which can also have the amount it displays customized.

Also, KristerSwe has provided us some more nice icons, this time ones that can be used for Feedback Groups, very similar in idea to the eBay stars used to help users get a feel for the trustworthiness of a seller or buyer.

You can purchase DragonByte Classifieds here.

A special thanks to everyone who has provided feedback during the past week, especially the ever hard working beta testers.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: Several Style issues on the main listings pages
Fixed: Permissions error when trying to edit your own listing would only be allowed if you had permissions to edit others
Fixed: Branding Free code doesn't match the purchased Branding Free
Fixed: Fixed incorrect link for subcategories in the Admin Control Panel's Manage Categories section
Fixed: Removed redundant code from the Feedback Manager in the Admin Control Panel
Fixed: A missing column from the uninstall code
Fixed: MySQL error in Feedback Manager
Fixed: Refresh bids error when first loading an auction listing
Fixed: Formatting issue when the refresh of the price when viewing a listing
Fixed: Alignment of images in the sub gallery section of the view listing page in Internet Explorer
Fixed: Item Basic Details and Seller Information boxes not floating correctly on wide screens
Fixed: Fixed the icon alignment in the listingbit in the main listings page
Fixed: Padding of addresses on the address page
Fixed: Corrected the Mod's name in the footer
Fixed: An issue with recent searches causing a php error

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Feedback improved to show more information on feedback comments both on the list view and the individual feedbacks
Change: Seperated Advert related options into a new Setting Group "DragonByte Tech: Classifieds - Advert Settings" and moved related settings to it
Change: Improved the formatting of the listing title when viewing a listing

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: A Featured Items Box is now available on the Main Listings page
Feature: The amount of items to be displayed in the Featured Items, Watched Items and Classifieds Ads boxes can be seperately specified
Feature: The location of the Featured Items, Watched Items and Classifieds Ads boxes can be seperately specified
Feature: The Featured Items, Watched Items and Classifieds Ads boxes can now be placed at the foot of the page (new), at the top of the page or in the sidebar (new)
Feature: Sellers Other Items box is displayed when viewing a listing if their are other items available
Feature: New Feedback group icons available (Thanks to KristerSwe)

Things Still In The Works:
Expanding the Payment Processors
Improving the styling and block layout on the main listing pages and view listing pages
Many other tweaks and improvements

Discuss this news here.