DragonByte Classifieds v1.0.0 Beta 4 (Closed Beta) Released!


Former Developer
Hi everyone,

Beta 4 is here with the ability to relist an expire listing as well as many bug fixes. Here is what has been sorted for this version:

I want to thanks the beta testers as well for their help getting some bugs identified and fixed, some of which this week have helped me identify unrelated issues we'd not come across. The current testers are: CharlieDelta, Mick, ozi, JaiKai, heyzeus909.

Bug Fixes And Issue Fixes:
Fixed: A database error when saving a new address with no default addresses selected (Hotfix to Beta 3).
Fixed: A database error when saving deleting the default addresses (Hotfix to Beta 3).
Fixed: An issue with the title and summary not showing when previewing a new listing (Hotfix to Beta 3).
Fixed: An issue with the attachment not showing when previewing a new listing with a specified attachment (Hotfix to Beta 3).
Fixed: An issue with summary input's padding forcing most of the text out of view.
Fixed: A Warning error when an unregistered user was browsing the main Classifieds page and had no recent searches.
Fixed: A Warning error when an unregistered user was browsing the Search results page and had no recent searches.
Fixed: Missing Currency Denominations in emails and PMs sent by Classifieds.
Fixed: An issue with the Scheduled Task not completing listings correctly.
Fixed: An issue with missing phrases when completing a listing.
Fixed: The styling on the main View Listings page to work better with fixed width and wider than normal screens.
Fixed: The search bar to stay on one line when viewed in fixed width styles or narrower than normal screens.
Fixed: An issue with the main image not shrinking to fit the space available.
Fixed: Fixed width style issues on the View Listing page.
Fixed: 'Wanted' Listings not displaying on the View Listings page.
Fixed: An issue where under some circumstances there would be a MySQL error when editing a listing.
Fixed: A missing template from the cache.
Fixed: Missing stock and date information when previewing a new listing or editing a listing.
Fixed: Missing category information when previewing a new listing or editing a listing.
Fixed: Images on the User CP My Classifieds/Feedback pages were pointing to an incorrect location on subdomains.
Fixed: When feedback groups had no associated images a broken image link was displayed.

Changes To Existing Features:
Change: Updates to the PayPal processor to fit in with upcoming PayPal changes

Additions To Product From Feature Requests Or Just Something Else Added:
Feature: Finished listings can be relisted.

Things Still In The Works:
Expanding the Payment Processors
Resolution Centre/Problems Resolution
And many other tweaks and improvements

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