Question Can Import Files - not workin g for me

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I have just upgraded to the pro Version. I want to give my moderators the ability to import files from a directory on my server

I want them to be able to import files form the directory on the server and create a file download in vbDownloads for my users.

I have correctly set the (Pro) Path To Imports to a valid directory containing a selection of files that they may want to add to the vbDownloads system.

I have selected YES to the option Can Import Files in the user groiup settings

I can see no other option that requires enabling, but i cannot see any way for the moderators or administrators to import a file form the system directory. When selecting Upload a File the only option seems to be to upload from the users local PC.

Have i mis understood the imprt files option

or have a mis configured the installation

Although Allow Private Downloads
is set to No
Allow Password Protection
is set to No

private users and set password seem to be available even though i have set the option to NO


when moderation is turned on. where does the moderated file go, how do we allow a file to be viewed if its been in moderation. there a user guide???
Hi Lester,

/vbdownloads.php?do=import is the link to the importer, this can be found in the subnav when accessing vBDownloads with a user group that has permission to import files :)

I believe you will need to check the AdminCP for files under moderation, I'm not 100% sure if there's any notifications just now.
Hello lester,

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Legacy vBDownloads

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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