
  1. A

    Question Notification in Current Tab and Setting Question

    Couple of questions about the plugin. When a user clicks Like (or Thanks), it generates a private message with the title of "New Likes Received". When I open that there is a link to go to the content that was liked. That opens in a new tab. Is there any way to configure it so that it opens...
  2. Mokonzi

    Question DragonByte Classifieds v2.0.0 Beta 1 Update

    Here's the changelog for Beta 1. This is a closed beta, so if you want to download the files to try it on your own test forums, then PM me or post here and I'll get it sent across to you. Fixed: PM sending issues Change: Instead of listing each item bought in a listing, Classifieds now...
  3. Shimei

    Bug Info Stats Module

    Hi, I tried to enable info stats module in my vbulletin 5.1.9 website. I have disabled it at the moment, and will enable it when someone is able to get to it. I had problems with the info panels and someone here had gone into my site and fixed it, also saying that I did not need to update...
  4. sarahw

    Question Postbit Stats Customization

    Hi there! Is it possible (through code modification?) to collect the sum of thanks/like for the postbit stats area? I am presently only able to show Thanks OR Likes Received in this area because I have to hard-code in the "Likes (Received)" text due to a language tables issue. I would love to...
  5. G

    Advanced Post Thanks

    Yet another question from me, I'm on a bit of a mod review and renewal binge at the moment. Anyway, I already have a post thanks mod created by abe1 installed. This works OK but I like the look of your product. If I turn off the other and install yours I'm assuming all the stats from that one...
  6. Zuker

    Bug Disable Button's Postbit Stats on admincp

    On usercp, the setting "Disable Button's Postbox Stats" shows up even i've got this disabled in admincp
  7. B

    Question How get vbanswers stats on postbit tabs

    When i disable Manual Postbit Deploymet in vbanswers - can not get vbanswers stats in postbit tabs - when i enable Manual Postbit Deploymen in vbanswers settings - i get it double - both in postbit tabs and in postbit user info block. Have you some fix for that? use latest versions of...
  8. Jj Michael Smith

    Question How to set up forum block tags?

    How do you get the forum block to work. I see nothing there.
  9. S

    Question Importing thanks from vb4 to vb5

    Hey, we got a vbulletin 5 forum and are working on importing the old forum which is running vbulletin 4. We couldn't import the thanks stats from the old forum over to the new one, and bought the pro version hoping that would let us import everything from our vbulletin 4 forum. Weird thing is...
  10. V

    Question Postbit Customization

    What I need to do is get my div class wrapped around the right code to put the stats in my postbit "border". My div class is: "<div class="bppostbit">" What template needs to be altered to achieve this. Thanks
  11. K

    Bug Decimals (2) shown only in stats page, in postbit no decimals - how to fix?

    I changed option for decimals to 2, but decimals shown only on credits.php page and not on postbit. Please suggest how to fix?
  12. T

    Bug Points not working when points column is not in user table

    I'm attempting to use another mod's existing points; vbexperience to be exact. I noticed that they are stored in two different locations. Once in the user table, and another in 'xperience_stats' > 'points_xperience'. However when I choose the xperience_stats as the Points Table the points do...
  13. Eden

    Question How can I translate Info Panel in French language ?

    Hello, I'd like to translate info Panel In French language. For instance : Welcome Back, and the stats such as "average registration" etc. so that some of my users who don't understand English can understand every indicators. Thanks in advance for your help!
  14. M

    Legacy Two suggestions related to plugin breaking something else

    Here is a link for reference: Updates 1) When clicking "Thanks", the post bit stats disappear until refreshing the page. Can we change that? 2) I use something called LaTeX on my site to render math equations. When clicking "Thanks" this also breaks until refreshing the page. It seems...
  15. G

    Question Globally disable "Dislikes" option?

    Is there a way to globally disable the dislikes option? We've never used it and don't wish to use it. I've not enabled usergroups to click it etc, but it still mentions it in postbit and stats area etc. Do I have to manually remove those mentions of it? Fixed: removed button from button...
  16. M

    Question Upgraded and all thanks gone?

    Hi, Upgraded this morning, it seemed like it upgraded fine. It did a very long finalising part which took about 10 minutes. But nothing seemed like it went wrong. Went to a few threads, and now there is no thanks and likes at all. But my profile block still contains them... I cleared the...
  17. K

    Question [DragonByte-Tech] DragonByte SEO PRO Plugin Issues

    [DragonByte-Tech] DragonByte SEO PRO Plugin Issues my sitemap isnt getting indexed by bing. whats the problem? also the plugin isnt displaying properly on my forum when i put my pro account login details into it in the back...
  18. GuiltyNL

    Infopanels customizable?

    I'm testing Infopanels on our 5.0.5 test installation, but I can't seem to find how to customize some things? 1) I have the welcome panel, but is is a bit too large and I would like to remove the 'User Settings' link. Also I want to remove the statistics about how many posts, threads, posts per...
  19. J

    Question Performance question

    Hi Fillip H., sorry to bother you in another place but in my quest for vbseo removal I need to take care of thanks/vbseo likes. I've successfuly installed the lite version of the plugin and imported the vbseo likes. Recreated statistics and turned the plugin on. But the load on mysql server...
  20. C

    Question Forum Block Stats

    How can I set the which button to show on the forum block. For example, I have show all buttons on the forum block but Thanks is default. I would prefer to have Likes be the default shown. Or better yet, I'd rather just have all the buttons showing at the same time (last 5 regardless of...