
  1. C

    Legacy Comments and Database...

    I see that comments are very simple, users can’t quote, edit or remove their comments like vBulletin does. Also there is no subscription method. Looking further inside the code to see how you build comment system, I see that you don’t use the vBulletin system. You store all messages in your...
  2. C

    Private message Mod

    Is this mod works like this, To read or to send a Private message to other members, they need a minimum Posts (say 10 posts in the last 30 (x) days). I had seen some vbulletin board, but doesn't know exactly which mod is doing working like this. Help me!
  3. B

    Question How to put Award/medal and achievements in the same box

    Hi, first, sorry for my english. I have a question. I need to put award/medal and achievements box, in the same box, i mean, there are in a different boxes, but i need them in the same box. Example This is how i don't wanna it. I tryed editing every file but i cant "achieve" this, haha. If...
  4. J

    Question Full instruction to remove vBCredit properly

    I need one of the staff member to post me the proper instruction to fully uninstall vbcredit from my forum. I plan on reinstalling it again so I can have a fresh copy installed. So far I've tried uninstalling it through admin panel but its timing out every 30 seconds. I've been using vbcredit...
  5. P

    Question Criteria field blank ?

    I'm follow the instruction here (Managing Criteria) to create Achievements and it's requires to create criteria first, but when i go to create criteria, there are nothing in the "Field" dropdown.
  6. M

    Legacy @Moderators @Admin @usergroups even

    This has to be one of the best modifications, it has really helped our community with people not missing posts and tagging specific users for replies etc!!! Well done Guys! However one of my moderators posted if they could use @Moderators or admins for members to call moderators or admin to a...
  7. jluerken

    Legacy Add UserID field please

    Hi Ozzy47, the mod works fine, it works even too good. The staff is getting requests from normal users if they can also use the default signature. We do not want to add it for all users and do not want to give it to the registered usergroup but it would be nice if we can grant it to single...
  8. cubs

    Tried to install this and got a error and I cant remove the Guest Pm notice

    Warning: require([path]/dbtech/guest_notice/hooks/global_start.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(122) : eval()'d code on line 3 Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required...
  9. 1quicksi

    Legacy Feature Request: Log File

    Requesting an ACP feature: A log file that displays who (current and previously used IDs) and when (date & time) name changes have taken place. Would be nice to know who and when this is being used as well as allowing us to track problematic members who use this feature to try to side step the...
  10. J

    Hello from Colorado!

    Hello, I am new here but excited to get to know some of you guys. It seems like a great community :cool:
  11. Nirjonadda

    Question How to change Original Poster Icon

    How to change Original Poster Icon,I posted a ScreenShot,here have a one image,please can you give me the image?
  12. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Option to enter userid's

    please can you add Option to enter userid's of members show Default Staff Signature?
  13. Nirjonadda

    Bug Branding Free Key

    Default Staff Signature Branding Free Key not working,please check and fix on this.
  14. J

    Legacy Option to allow excluded members to reply (only) to PM from non-excluded member

    I would like to submit a few feature requests/suggestions for the Super PM: 1a) Option to allow users, who are excluded from sending PM's, to be able to receive/reply to PMs from any group that has PM access (not just staff) 1b) Option to restrict users, who are excluded from sending PMs, to...
  15. jluerken

    User Notes

    Hi Dragonbyte Tech, the UserNotes function is a rarely used function in vVulletin but has a lot of potential. At the moment we use it for all moderators to be able to post notes about users. Only staff has access rights and it's a good way because it uses vbulletin functions looking like a...
  16. X

    A great big thank you!!!!

    I have not been a member here for too long but i gotta say a few things...... Over the past couple of months not only have i had magnificent support but my most resent purchase.... talk about service!!! I was not present at my site when the professional install was completed.... took me by a...
  17. CoZmicShReddeR

    Bug New Registration Database error on Send Registration

    I was testing the advanced registration system and got this error URL Link at Top: Database ERROR: Database Error Database error The The Hybrid Gamers Zone database has encountered a problem...
  18. M

    Question Disable vBulletin Ratings?

    Hi! I have Disable vBulletin Ratings? -> Yes But still can see vb ratings.... (they turned ON in Forum Manager)
  19. amy-t

    Legacy Broken game reports

    My staff and I are getting annoyed that the reported games are emailing us instead of having a place on the site to update reports as needed. A forum for reported games would be nice and make it easier to all the staff to keep track of which games have been tested and which games have not.
  20. boldherri

    Hello boys

    Hi guys,i am Herri, greetings to all.