
  1. Ozzy47

    Legacy Un Categorized Games

    When a game is imported that does not have a category assigned with it where does it go? With the implementation of games manager with beta v9 I can now move games as I wish, but it would be nice for games that do not have a category assigned at import to go to a default category like Unsorted...
  2. Valcav

    Legacy "Latest News" Area

    I've been searching on how to have click-able links in the "Latest News" Area of InfoPanels... I found a (1) solution here: How I make sticky text with link same as Dragonbyte Is there a possibility to make it so that BBCode also works in there??? Friendly greetings, Valcav
  3. Trekkan

    Bug update rating ajax without pausing

    I've rated about 10 games and every time, they require two clicks on the stars before the rating sticks.
  4. Trekkan

    Legacy PM on highscores getting beaten

    When I lost the high score, the only way I knew it was that we're just starting out and I'm looking for things (bugs) in this test. Otherwise I would of never known. A notices/PM system for various events would be good.
  5. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Download vBArcade beta: v17

    Kept here will be the actual arcade beta packages for download. A new revision will be posted as new posts to this thread. This work is to be treated as any license would - it is non transferrable and non-distributable. Do not leak. Currently, only vb4 is supported. Installing vBArcade will...
  6. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy Task: Importing

    The first thing about your arcade is you'll want to get some games into it, right? There are three ways to do this, accessible through the Import Games link in the vBArcade menu in the admincp. Conversion from an existing arcade (ibproarcade and v3 arcade). The option of which appears depending...
  7. Darkwaltz4

    Legacy General Discussion

    Welcome to the closed beta testing program for vBArcade. This is an internally-complicated addon that would greatly benefit from your attention as testers to ensure it is as perfect as possible when it is available publicly. As such, my plan is to release "task" updates in the form of threads...
  8. D

    Paid Request: Fix Bug in vBDynamics

    OK so I am trying to get this one particular bug fixed in vBAdvanced vBDynamics. It's been there since the release of the new editor that killed most of my major 3rd party addons that have a directory out of vbulletin's default location. I know Brian is trying to fix the bugs that came out with...
  9. I

    Points are not resetting when deleting a post

    When I delete a thread, points are deducted from the member's currency, but when I delete a post nothing happens. Lets say if a member is awarded 5 points per post, vB deluxe should negate those points if an admin deletes that post? It works when I delete threads but not when I delete posts...
  10. reeshe

    Bug Problem with -1 avatars/sigs

    I'm using VB shop to purchase sigs and avatar permissions. Break down for what happens; avatars and sigs are off in usergroup settings User purchases sig or avatar permission from the shop The permission they have the option to upload the avatar or enter a sig The problem is...
  11. cykelmyggen

    Question Only 2 newsitems in Latest News area?

    Is it possible to show more than 2 news-items in the Latest News area? I've put in 3, but only the 2 upper items are showing. EDIT: Nevermind - removed a line and it worked :)
  12. reeshe

    Question "lastest news" and side block?

    How would I change the Phrase "lastest news" to something else? Is it possible? Secondly is it possible to have the infopanels as widgets are forum side blocks? Thanks!
  13. reeshe

    Bug Notifications not working with legacy mode on

    When I have the "Legacy System (Pro)" opton selected The only notification features that seem to be working for me are the global notification, the shoutbox for PM and the PM pop up. The Notifications do not show up on top where they would regularly...The drop down box doesn't even appear. Just...
  14. OlijO

    Legacy Widget Subscribe newsletter

    Hi, Just install vBMail to my site. Make test with IMAP and work like a charme. I would like to add a widget for user who want to be informed about news from site. Require defaut mailing list to assign to the widget (i suppose) And make the widget for forum/CMS Is it possible, like it's very...