
  1. F

    Question Can i make my custom avatars?

    Before to download this product i would like to ask about customization, i have my own designer so i want to make my own images and replace yours, not just replace i also want to add new boddies, so thats my question, can i add new images like boddy to this product and how to do that? Same as...
  2. Neo_Angelo

    Make TT pro Available as LITE

    I've seen a few people still interested in TT but for whatever reasons DB-Tech cannot sell it at the moment, my suggestion is since development on it is minimal and the origianl designer isn't around anymore then why not release the pro version as a freebie to DB-Tech customers/ joe public as a...
  3. GoodApples

    Page Turn

    I wanted something like this for some time and was doing some searching and came across this one and thought I would share the idea with my friends on dbtech. It could have it's own Nav bar tab. :) Mod Request: PageTurn See here a transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine
  4. Neo_Angelo

    Legacy User Spotlight/Catwalk/fashion awards type addon

    Ok here a suggestion that i thought might be cool for this mod, a user voting beauty/fashion contest, Admins could set up events to run in either a designated forum (where a thread would be created to vote) or have a tab within vBavatars for viewing competitions and voting. Admins can create a...
  5. Ownaholic

    Triple Triad?

    Hey there! I was just wondering if Triple Triad is going to be re-listed as a product anytime soon? I'm re-creating a card game based on Ragnarok Online, with Triple Triad rules as the basis in real life; and I'd like to be able to incorporate the cards into an online game as well for my...
  6. Neo_Angelo

    Bug pop up box for deleting files doesn't appear in center of screen

    Just a head up when the pop-up message shows to confirm you want to delete your file/download the message box pops-up miles above the actual download so you have to scroll up to click it as you can't click it straight off the bat after clicking remove file. Not so much of a bug as more of a...
  7. Neo_Angelo

    reputation enhancement {rep prestige}

    Ok so on Paul M has an extended reputation thing by where if you reach above the reputation limit you gain a star etc, well i have a better idea for this system which the DB-Team could do as a freebie possibly if it didn't take a lot of effort, basically the mod would be similar to Paul...
  8. H

    Question DBT Default Trophys and Default Achivement Criteria/Images

    Hi is there any way i can have or purchase DBT default trophys and default achievement criteria/images It would be so much easier than setting up my own criteria and making my own icons. Thanks.
  9. Neo_Angelo

    Question Showing X vBa stats in Postbit legacy

    Just a quickie regarding displaying and re-organising the stats shown in the postbit legacy. Ok i dont want all that crap taking up postbit space yet i dont really like the tabs system you've got as an alternate solution, what i would like to know is how does one display certain bits of the vBa...
  10. J

    I strongly suggest you don't use AdSense!

    They banned my account (I only put ads on my forum). It's their policy to not tell you why it's banned. They don't say more than "invalid activity." I searched it and found that countless others have had the same problem. For all I know someone purposely tried to get us banned and clicked...
  11. Morrus

    Triple Triad IP Issues?

    I've been glancing over the Triple Triad game. Looks fun, and I'm considering a purchase. However, I'm a little concerned about the Intellectual Property issues from the product. Am I right in assuming these cards (and, indeed, the game name) come from existing IP (Final Fantasy?) Is this...
  12. D19RNY

    How do you make Username's in postbit larger

    I have been going crazy looking in and all I'm seeing is a brief description Can anyone link me to a detailed tut or be kind enough to make one :cool: Thanks
  13. C

    Can you make some more pre-made graphics for the "Awards & Achievements"?

    Can you make some more pre-made graphics for the "Awards & Achievements"? Hi, Is it possible for you to create some more graphics for the Awards and achievements and sell it to us as a product? I'd like to have achievements that reaches 100k. lol.;)
  14. J

    Legacy Shop layout example to get ideas from

    Wasn't sure where to post this, but the original conversation was in the Lite board, so why not. Anyway, this is what IBEconomy looks like (running on It's a pretty nice shop layout so you could get ideas from it. (the name of the currency running on this forum is rupees. the...
  15. D

    vBActivity Icon Pack: Sports Question

    Can you post a screenshot or something of this? Id really like to purchase this but wanted to see what it looks like before doing so.
  16. Freekoid

    Legacy New vBActivity Pack

    With the new integration of post/thanks like with vBActivity Pro will we be seeing any new gfx packs from Neo_Angelo ? I was looking for some high end numbers as the thanks gets used a lot on my forum. Thanks
  17. A

    Hello All!

    Hello everyone, I am Angie. Came across this forum in search for great new mods to improve my forum. Hope to learn great new things. Thank you :)
  18. N

    How to prune.

    Installed this great shout and found all the setting and permission and set the permission so certain groups can carry out a prune of the shouts. The problem i have is how does one carry out the prune of the shouts. Where is the menu to do this. Thanks for any help you can give.
  19. Dutch_Boy

    Achievement pictures Can you guys give this pictures without the letters in it? A clean one so i can change it my self. Allot of my members have way more then 2k posts. I wanna make more of hem. Kind regards, Dutch_Boy.
  20. N

    What is the benefit of installing vBActivity and vBCredits II Deluxe in the same site

    Hi all What is the benefit and (problems if any) of installing vBActivity and vBCredits II Deluxe in the same site? Regarding this Bundle: Thanks in advance...