
  1. F

    Legacy Profile block mentions which show usernames next to hidden mentions is a problem

    The quick version of my question is this: I had some forums enabled for this. They were forums for moderators only. My problem is that even after I disabled those forums in the settings, users still have a list of people who quoted them in those moderators' forums next to the word "Hidden", e.g...
  2. Em Kay

    Bug Specifications

    When adding a specification, after selecting Always in "manage forms" in the ACP, going to add a listing, shows more than one "Specification" box. It seems after clearing the cache and rebuilding, if there were previous specification removed, they're not completely removed from the front end of...
  3. C

    Question Hiding content question

    I'm trying to re-implment the hide hack I had on vb3. I see that this addon has some of that functionality. I am confused on how to use it... I guess the first point of confusion, when I post a new thread I have these options: Require Thanks to see content Require Thanks to see attachments...
  4. J

    Question Hide thanks

    I have requested Professional Installation and its installed. 1 - I used following similar mods on my website and it is still active. Can I disable these below mods - Post Thank You Hack 7.83 - vFCoders - Hide Hack 3.1 This MOD gives users in selected forums the ability to use a BBCode to...
  5. A

    Question Container after each post...

    Just a quick question...can I not remove the blank container after each post without manually deleting it from the code? Specifically this grey line..ignore the 2 sets of upvote/downvote arrows, that is from my original setup that is just on still: I saw another post and it was said it...
  6. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Ban Spiders

    I think that a great option if DBSEO Can Spiders Ban , Who Spiders can allow for Pages Crawled Search Engines?
  7. Adam H

    DBSEO Case studies ? Any for a read ?

    Im interested to see some case studies if possible of owners who are willing to share some data in regards to improvements either in performance , indexing or traffic increases or indeed if anyone has endured looses of traffic , page views etc. Im keen on trying it but i cant see my self...
  8. neounix

    Bug Auto Generate Sitemap without Clicking "Next" for Each File Written When Building Map

    Auto Generate Sitemap without Clicking "Next" for Each File Written When Building Map Hi. Thanks again for the good support and for this SEO product. Now, I'm testing the sitemap function; and I noticed that when I manually build a sitemap I must click "next" each time after a file is...
  9. Adidam

    Question Questions about Advanced Post Thanks Lite

    Hey There, I'm using your plugin which I have downloaded from vBulletin.org I'm facing few problems as I'm new on vB. 1. How can I hide the content for the non registered members and those registered members who have not clicked the thanks button? 2. I want that user can remove the thanks...
  10. H

    Question How do I get more than one banner space advert to show

    I am not having any luck with this. I have set up three banner spaces but only one shows on the page to buy banner space. ? When a user does click on buy now what are they supposed to do then. If there lucky they may notice the configure button hiding down the bottom right hand side.
  11. Nirjonadda

    Bug UserCP Bug

    Hello Why the show DBTech - vBSuper PM's on User CP,when member does not get any permission settings change,How to change text DBTech - vBSuper PM's on User CP?
  12. Nirjonadda

    Bug Global Search Box Style Issue

    Global Search Box Bug and Social Icons Show Conflict With [DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs / Tab Management ,How to fix on this issue?please can you fix on this? Thanks Without [DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs With [DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs
  13. Steris56

    Hide User ID's

    Please delete this thread
  14. C

    Cluster Requirements

    Hello, I manage a large sized vbulletin installation that actually sits on multiple web servers behind a load balancer. I'm wondering what would be the best combination for optimization of our forums, including your vbOptimise product. Since we have many servers, each server has its own...
  15. blinkster

    Legacy New Feature For DBTech Thanks

    May i suggest the consideration for future upgrade of the thank you mod to add the ability of per-usergroup hiding/un-hiding of attachments as an extra option. Dearly like site supporters not to have to click thank to see attachments but still see the thank you button for those still wishing to...
  16. blinkster

    New Feature For DBTech Thanks

    May i suggest the consideration for future upgrade of the thank you mod to add the ability of per-usergroup hiding/un-hiding of attachments as an extra option. Dearly like site supporters not to have to click thank to see attachments but still see the thank you button for those still wishing to...
  17. blinkster

    Question How To For Blind People

    Think i am blind or having a blonde moment or both BUT how can i or do make one or more usergroup not have to click thanks to get attachment but keeping the button there if they choose too. Fiddled around with the settings and just not seeing it.
  18. cliff p

    Legacy Ability to show fields generated in Tapatalk

    We'd love to be able to see a feature included that provides the outputs of generated fields in Tapatalk, or other platforms. This will allow users to peruse the classifieds from mobile applications like Tapatalk or Forumrunner on the go. Currently, we are hiding the classifieds sections from...
  19. WenM

    Question Hide tabbed forum from main forums?

    Hiding the tabbed forum from the main forumhome doesn't work; I tried display '0' in the Forum Manager, but then it doesn't show up on the tab when clicked. ideally, I'd only like the chosen forum to be seen only on a tab when clicked, not also in the main home forum...perhaps I'm missing...
  20. kyle

    Unknown table 'dbtech_vbeditortabs'

    Okay, been dealing with major database problem and have been trying to uninstall vbeditor tabs and when I do I keep getting this error: MySQL Error : Unknown table 'dbtech_vbeditortabs' Error Number : 1051 Request Date : Monday, October 1st 2012 @ 11:07:29 AM Error Date : Monday...